Girl, Woman, Other


Bernardine Evaristo

Sarah Character Analysis

Sarah is Penelope’s daughter who moves to Australia. This breaks Penelope’s heart because, even though she often complained about her raucous grandkids, she realizes she’ll miss them when they’re gone. Like her brother, Adam, Sarah favors their father, Giles. This upsets Penelope, seeing as she was the one who raised them after the divorce. Sarah suggests that Penelope take the AncestryDNA test to find out more about her birth family and later helps her connect with her birth mother, Hattie.
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Sarah Character Timeline in Girl, Woman, Other

The timeline below shows where the character Sarah appears in Girl, Woman, Other. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3: Penelope
Home and Community  Theme Icon
Radical vs. Reformist Social Movements  Theme Icon together feels perfect. Her career is delayed by their first child, Adam, and then Sarah comes only a year later. Penelope is overwhelmed with love for her children and is... (full context)
Home and Community  Theme Icon
Radical vs. Reformist Social Movements  Theme Icon
By the time Adam and Sarah leave home, Penelope and Phillip are living completely separate lives in the same home. Eventually,... (full context)
Home and Community  Theme Icon
...when one of her friends gets divorced, too. They become close and do everything together. Sarah supports her after her divorce from Phillip. Penelope phones her drunk to tell her she’s... (full context)
Home and Community  Theme Icon
Radical vs. Reformist Social Movements  Theme Icon
Sarah still hasn’t found love, but tells Penelope that when she becomes a mother she’ll quit... (full context)
Home and Community  Theme Icon
A few years later Sarah has a family and her especially rowdy children bother Penelope when they visit. Sarah’s husband... (full context)
Home and Community  Theme Icon
A cancer scare renews Penelope’s curiosity about her birth parents. At Sarah’s suggestion, Penelope orders an Ancestry DNA kit and when the results finally arrive she’s shocked.... (full context)
Home and Community  Theme Icon
Contradiction, Complexity, and Intersectionality  Theme Icon
Penelope Skypes Sarah to break the news. Sarah looks at the results and realizes that she has over... (full context)