Girl, Woman, Other


Bernardine Evaristo

Phillip Character Analysis

Phillip is Penelope’s second husband. She meets him shortly after her breakup with Giles and falls in love quickly, largely due to their sexual chemistry. Phillip is a psychologist, which is what eventually begins to ruin the relationship. Penelope tires of his habit of constantly psychoanalyzing her, By the time Penelope discovers that Giles is having sex with a younger woman, she and Giles are already living separate lives in separate parts of the house.
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Phillip Character Timeline in Girl, Woman, Other

The timeline below shows where the character Phillip appears in Girl, Woman, Other. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3: Penelope
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Penelope is charmed by Phillip, when she meets him only six weeks after her divorce is finalized. With him, the... (full context)
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She loves that Phillip wants to know who she is as a person, not just as a woman and... (full context)
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Phillip criticizes everything she does, and Penelope starts to question their marriage after he accuses her... (full context)
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By the time Adam and Sarah leave home, Penelope and Phillip are living completely separate lives in the same home. Eventually, Penelope finds used condoms in... (full context)