Interview with the Vampire


Anne Rice

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Themes and Colors
The Nature of Evil Theme Icon
Violence, Desire, and Eroticism Theme Icon
Loneliness vs. Companionship Theme Icon
Reinventing the Vampire Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Interview with the Vampire, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.
The Nature of Evil Theme Icon

Interview with the Vampire examines the nature of evil, questioning whether people—or vampires—are inherently good or evil, or whether their relative goodness is defined by their actions. Louis de Pointe du Lac serves as the primary lens through which this idea unfolds. Louis’s transformation into a vampire marks the beginning of his struggle with his new predatory nature and the loss of his humanity. Louis finds it morally repugnant to need to kill to survive. For a long time, Louis does not kill humans and instead survives off of animals because he believes his actions determine whether or not he is evil, and that by choosing to kill animals instead of humans, he’s making the right, moral choice. However, after being rejected by Babette, a human who he loves, as the spawn of Satan, he questions whether his actions truly matter when people see him as evil, simply because of what he is. Over the course of the novel, he grows increasingly jaded, as no matter how much he desires to do the right thing, people continue to view him as inherently evil. As a result, he gives into his desires, performing acts that he previously would have deemed evil, such as turning Madeleine into a vampire.

Conversely, Lestat embodies a more unapologetic view of vampiric existence, in which he fully and happily embraces vampires’ reputations as evil. Lestat revels in his power and immortality, often displaying a blatant disregard for human life. However, the novel does not depict Lestat as a purely evil character; he’s sometimes vulnerable and is desperate for companionship, suggesting that his immoral behavior stems from his circumstances. Throughout the novel, as Louis becomes increasingly evil and therefore appears less human, Lestat appears increasingly human, suggesting that just as neither figure is fully good, neither is fully evil, either. Ultimately, the novel suggests that good and evil are not innate states of being. Rather, it suggests a person’s choices and their actions is what makes them good or evil.

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The Nature of Evil ThemeTracker

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The Nature of Evil Quotes in Interview with the Vampire

Below you will find the important quotes in Interview with the Vampire related to the theme of The Nature of Evil.
Part 1, Pages 1-70 Quotes

“I forgot myself totally. And in the same instant knew totally the meaning of possibility. From then on I experienced only increasing wonder. As he talked to me and told me of what I might become, of what his life had been and stood to be, my past shrank to embers. I saw my life as if I stood apart from it, the vanity, the self-serving, the constant fleeing from one petty annoyance after another, the lip service to God and the Virgin and a host of saints whose names filled my prayer books, none of whom made the slightest difference in a narrow, materialistic, and selfish existence. I saw my real gods…the gods of most men. Food, drink, and security in conformity. Cinders.”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Lestat de Lioncourt , Claudia
Related Symbols: Fire
Page Number: 17-18
Explanation and Analysis:

“Killing is no ordinary act,” said the vampire. “One doesn’t simply glut oneself on blood.” He shook his head. “It is the experience of another’s life for certain, and often the experience of the loss of that life through the blood, slowly. It is again and again the experience of that loss of my own life, which I experienced when I sucked the blood from Lestat’s wrist and felt his heart pound with my heart. It is again and again a celebration of that experience; because for vampires that is the ultimate experience.”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Lestat de Lioncourt , The Boy
Related Symbols: Blood
Page Number: 29
Explanation and Analysis:

“What manner of man he’d been in life, I couldn’t tell and didn’t care; but he was for all appearances of the same class now as myself, which meant little to me, except that it made our lives run a little more smoothly than they might have otherwise. He had impeccable taste, though my library to him was a ‘pile of dust,’ and he seemed more than once to be infuriated by the sight of my reading a book or writing some observations in a journal. ‘That’s mortal nonsense,’ he would say to me, while at the same time spending so much of my money to splendidly furnish Pointe du Lac, that even I, who cared nothing for the money, was forced to wince.”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Lestat de Lioncourt , Lestat’s Father
Page Number: 36
Explanation and Analysis:

“Angels feel love, and pride…the pride of The Fall…and hatred. The strong overpowering emotions of detached persons in whom emotion and will are one,” he said finally. He stared at the table now, as though he were thinking this over, were not entirely satisfied with it. “I had for Babette…a strong feeling. It was not the strongest I’ve ever known for a human being.” He looked up at the boy. “But it was very strong. Babette was to me in her own way an ideal human being….”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Claudia, The Boy, Babette Freniere
Page Number: 60
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 1, Pages 71-158 Quotes

“But the question pounded in me: Am I damned? If so, why do I feel such pity for her, for her gaunt face? Why do I wish to touch her tiny, soft arms, hold her now on my knee as I am doing, feel her bend her head to my chest as I gently touch the satin hair? Why do I do this? If I am damned I must want to kill her, I must want to make her nothing but food for a cursed existence, because being damned I must hate her.”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Lestat de Lioncourt , Claudia
Page Number: 73
Explanation and Analysis:

“He shook his head. ‘Louis!’ he said. ‘You are in love with your mortal nature! You chase after the phantoms of your former self. Freniere, his sister…these are images for you of what you were and what you still long to be. And in your romance with mortal life, you’re dead to your vampire nature!”

Related Characters: Lestat de Lioncourt (speaker), Louis/The Vampire, Claudia, Babette Freniere
Page Number: 81
Explanation and Analysis:

“‘I’m not your slave,’ I said to him. But even as he spoke I realized I’d been his slave all along.

“‘That’s how vampires increase…through slavery. How else?’ he asked.”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Lestat de Lioncourt (speaker)
Page Number: 84
Explanation and Analysis:

“‘Yes, Claudia,’ he said. ‘They’re sick and they’re dead. You see, they die when we drink from them.’ He came towards her and swung her up into his arms again. We stood there with her between us. I was mesmerized by her, by her transformed, by her every gesture. She was not a child any longer, she was a vampire child. ‘Now, Louis was going to leave us,’ said Lestat, his eyes moving from my face to hers. ‘He was going to go away. But now he’s not. Because he wants to stay and take care of you and make you happy.’ He looked at me. ‘You’re not going, are you, Louis?’”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Lestat de Lioncourt (speaker), Claudia
Page Number: 94
Explanation and Analysis:

“She was to be the demon child forever,” he said, his voice soft as if he wondered at it. “Just as I am the young man I was when I died. And Lestat? The same. But her mind. It was a vampire’s mind. And I strained to know how she moved towards womanhood. She came to talk more, though she was never other than a reflective person and could listen to me patiently by the hour without interruption. Yet more and more her doll-like face seemed to possess two totally aware adult eyes, and innocence seemed lost somewhere with neglected toys and the loss of a certain patience. There was something dreadfully sensual about her lounging on the settee in a tiny nightgown of lace and stitched pearls; she became an eerie and powerful seductress, her voice as clear and sweet as ever, though it had a resonance which was womanish, a sharpness sometimes that proved shocking.”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Lestat de Lioncourt , Claudia, Madeleine
Related Symbols: Dolls
Page Number: 101-102
Explanation and Analysis:

“‘But Claudia, he is not mortal. He’s immortal. No illness can touch him. Age has no power over him. You threaten a life which might endure to the end of the world!’

“‘Ah, yes, that’s it, precisely!’ she said with reverential awe. ‘A lifetime that might have endured for centuries. Such blood, such power. Do you think I’ll possess his power and my own power when I take him?’”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Claudia (speaker), Lestat de Lioncourt
Page Number: 124
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2 Quotes

“It seemed at moments, when I sat alone in the dark stateroom, that the sky had come down to meet the sea and that some great secret was to be revealed in that meeting, some great gulf miraculously closed forever. But who was to make this revelation when the sky and sea became indistinguishable and neither any longer was chaos? God? Or Satan? It struck me suddenly what consolation it would be to know Satan, to look upon his face, no matter how terrible that countenance was, to know that I belonged to him totally, and thus put to rest forever the torment of this ignorance. To step through some veil that would forever separate me from all that I called human nature.”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker)
Page Number: 163
Explanation and Analysis:

“I lay against the wall, staring at the thing, the blood rushing in my ears. Gradually I realized that Claudia knelt on his chest, that she was probing the mass of hair and bone that had been his head. She was scattering the fragments of his skull. We had met the European vampire, the creature of the Old World. He was dead.”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Claudia
Page Number: 190-191
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3, Pages 203-276 Quotes

“It was the terrible ‘Triumph of Death’ by Breughel, painted on such a massive scale that all the multitude of ghastly figures towered over us in the gloom, those ruthless skeletons ferrying the helpless dead in a fetid moat or pulling a cart of human skulls, beheading an outstretched corpse or hanging humans from the gallows. A bell tolled over the endless hell of scorched and smoking land, towards which great armies of men came with the hideous, mindless march of soldiers to a massacre. I turned away, but the auburn-haired one touched my hand and led me further along the wall to see ‘The Fall of the Angels’ slowly materializing, with the damned being driven from the celestial heights into a lurid chaos of feasting monsters. So vivid, so perfect was it, I shuddered.”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker)
Page Number: 227-228
Explanation and Analysis:

“‘How could we be the children of Satan?’ he asked. ‘Do you believe that Satan made this world around you?’

“‘No, I believe that God made it, if anyone made it. But He also must have made Satan, and I want to know if we are his children!’

“‘Exactly, and consequently if you believe God made Satan, you must realize that all Satan’s power comes from God and that Satan is simply God’s child, and that we are God’s children also. There are no children of Satan, really.’”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Armand (speaker)
Page Number: 234
Explanation and Analysis:

“‘Then God does not exist…you have no knowledge of His existence?’

“‘None,’ he said.

“‘No knowledge!’ I said it again, unafraid of my simplicity, my miserable human pain.


“‘And no vampire here has discourse with God or with the devil!’

“‘No vampire that I’ve ever known,’ he said, musing, the fire dancing in his eyes. ‘And as far as I know today, after four hundred years, I am the oldest living vampire in the world.’”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Armand (speaker)
Page Number: 238
Explanation and Analysis:

“‘Will you care for her, Madeleine?’ I saw her hands clutch at the doll, turning its face against her breast. And my own hand went out for it, though I did not know why, even as she was answering me.

“‘Yes!’ She repeated it again desperately.

“‘Is this what you believe her to be, a doll?’ I asked her, my hand closing on the doll’s head, only to feel her snatch it away from me, see her teeth clenched as she glared at me.

“‘A child who can’t die! That’s what she is,’ she said, as if she were pronouncing a curse.”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Madeleine (speaker), Claudia
Related Symbols: Dolls
Page Number: 267
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3, Pages 277-318 Quotes

“The doorway you see leads to me, now. To your coming to live with me as I am. I am evil with infinite gradations and without guilt.”

Related Characters: Armand (speaker), Louis/The Vampire
Page Number: 285
Explanation and Analysis:

“I hate myself. And it seemed, lulled half to sleep as I was so often by their conversation—Claudia whispering of killing and speed and vampire craft, Madeleine bent over her singing needle—it seemed then the only emotion of which I was still capable: hatred of self. I love them. I hate them. I do not care if they are there. Claudia puts her hands on my hair as if she wants to tell me with the old familiarity that her heart’s at peace. I do not care. And there is the apparition of Armand, that power, that heartbreaking clarity. Beyond a glass, it seems. And taking Claudia’s playful hand, I understand for the first time in my life what she feels when she forgives me for being myself whom she says she hates and loves: she feels almost nothing.”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Claudia, Armand, Madeleine
Page Number: 276-277
Explanation and Analysis:

“And then I saw Lestat—the blow that was more crippling than any blow. Lestat, standing there in the center of the ballroom, erect, his gray eyes sharp and focused, his mouth lengthening in a cunning smile. Impeccably dressed he was, as always, and as splendid in his rich black cloak and fine linen. But those scars still scored every inch of his white flesh. And how they distorted the taut, handsome face, the fine, hard threads cutting the delicate skin above his lip, the lids of his eyes, the smooth rise of his forehead. And the eyes, they burned with a silent rage that seemed infused with vanity, an awful relentless vanity that said, ‘See what I am!”

Related Characters: Louis/The Vampire (speaker), Lestat de Lioncourt , Claudia, Madeleine
Page Number: 295
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 4 Quotes

“Don’t you see how you made it sound? It was an adventure like I’ll never know in my whole life! You talk about passion, you talk about longing! You talk about things that millions of us won’t ever taste or come to understand. And then you tell me it ends like that. I tell you…” And he stood over the vampire now, his hands outstretched before him. “If you were to give me that power! The power to see and feel and live forever!”

Related Characters: The Boy (speaker), Louis/The Vampire
Page Number: 339
Explanation and Analysis:

And quickly the boy noted:

“Lestat…off St. Charles Avenue. Old house crumbling…shabby neighborhood. Look for rusted railings.”

And then, stuffing the notebook quickly in his pocket, he gathered the tapes into his briefcase, along with the small recorder, and hurried down the long hallway and down the stairs to the street, where in front of the corner bar his car was parked.

Related Characters: Lestat de Lioncourt , The Boy
Page Number: 342
Explanation and Analysis: