Moon of the Crusted Snow


Waubgeshig Rice

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Moon of the Crusted Snow Characters

Evan Whitesky

Evan Whitesky is the book’s protagonist; he’s Nicole’s partner and Nangohns and Maiingan’s father. Evan has lived on the Anishinaabe reserve his whole life and is a maintenance worker and active community member… read analysis of Evan Whitesky

Justin Scott

Justin Scott is the story’s antagonist. He mysteriously arrives on the reserve, heavily armed and seeking refuge, after the power goes out and civilization collapses into chaos. Scott is physically intimidating: he’s bigger and stronger… read analysis of Justin Scott

Aileen Jones

Aileen Jones is the community’s eldest member and spiritual guide. She’s is very old, frail, gentle, and kind—and this makes some people overlook her worth. Aileen is well-versed in traditional customs, and she often conducts… read analysis of Aileen Jones

Nicole McCloud

Nicole is Evan Whitesky’s partner. She is the primary caregiver for their two young children, Maiingan and Nangohns. Nicole and Evan have a very loving and supportive relationship, marked by mutual respect and… read analysis of Nicole McCloud


Nangohns is Evan and Nicole’s three-year-old daughter and Maiingan’s sister. Her name means “little star” in Anishinaabemowin. Although she’s Evan and Nicole’s youngest child, she’s surprisingly wise and thoughtful, and Evan thinks… read analysis of Nangohns
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Terry Meegis

Terry is the community’s “chief”; he heads up the council, which runs the reserve. Terry is deeply empathetic and non-confrontational but somewhat emotionally weak, and he’s intimidated by Justin Scott. Though Terry is the… read analysis of Terry Meegis


Walter is the reserve’s second-in-command and reserve chief Terry Meegis’s closest advisor. Walter is pragmatic, forthright, and levelheaded; he’s often the voice of reason when Terry feels overwhelmed. When Terry struggles to maintain control… read analysis of Walter

Isaiah North

Isaiah is Evan’s best friend and Candace’s son; he’s an active community member. As the winter progresses, people on the reserve begin to lean more heavily on Evan, Isaiah, and their friend Tylerread analysis of Isaiah North


Tyler is friends with Evan and Isaiah. Together, the three of them take a leading role in running the reserve as the winter progresses and the elders begin to die. Tyler helps distribute rations… read analysis of Tyler

Cam Whitesky

Cam is Evan’s younger brother. He’s is somewhat irresponsible, preferring to live in the moment and have fun rather than prepare for the oncoming winter. Cam also doesn’t care much about learning the community’s… read analysis of Cam Whitesky

Mark Phillips

Mark Phillips is the second person to seek refuge on the reserve after the power goes out. When a desperate Phillips arrives, Terry begins to handle the situation calmly, but Scott butts in and rashly… read analysis of Mark Phillips

Meghan Connor

Meghan is a woman who seeks refuge on the reserve along with her husband, Brad, Alex Richer, and Mark Phillips (whom Scott kills when they first arrive). Brad joins forces with Scott, so… read analysis of Meghan Connor


Kevin is Joanne Birch’s son and Tyler’s younger brother. He and his friend Nick Jonas attend school in the nearest town, Gibson, which is 300 kilometers south of the remote Anishinaabe reserve. The… read analysis of Kevin

Nick Jonas

Nick is friends with Kevin. Together, the two teenagers escape from Gibson (a town 300 kilometers south of the reserve) after the power goes out and their school devolves into chaos. Nick’s insights about… read analysis of Nick Jonas

Dan Whitesky (Evan’s father)

Dan is Evan’s father and Patricia’s husband. He’s quiet, thoughtful, and reserved—and he has a lot of respect for the community’s ways. Like Evan, Dan works as a maintenance worker and council member… read analysis of Dan Whitesky (Evan’s father)
Minor Characters
Maiingan is Evan and Nicole’s five-year-old son and Nangohns’s brother. His name means “wolf” in Anishinaabemowin. He’s sweet and kind, although he’s somewhat more passive than Nangohns. Together, Maiingan and his sister represent hope for the Anishinaabe culture’s survival.
Patricia (Evan’s mother)
Patricia is Evan’s mother and Dan’s wife. She’s a kind, jovial person. Before the power goes out, Patricia loves to spend her time gambling online. When the winter worsens, she and Dan move in with Evan and Nicole to conserve energy, which helps them survive the winter.
Jenna is Sydney’s teenage sister. After attending a party at Cam and Sydney’s bungalow, Jenna and her friend Tara freeze to death on her way home, having incorrectly gauged the weather. Their deaths trigger widespread trauma in the community, especially among its youths.
Tara is a teenager who freezes to death (along with her friend Jenna) while attempting to walk home in the cold after a party at Cam’s house.
Nanabush is a character in one of Dan’s traditional Anishinaabe stories. Dan’s story teaches Maiingan and Nangohns about the importance of preparing for the winter and not being too greedy.
Brad Connor
Brad is Meghan’s husband. He quickly takes up alliances with Scott, whose toxic values motivate Brad to treat Meghan poorly.
Alex Richer
Alex seeks refuge on the reserve, along with Brad, Meghan, and Mark Phillips. Alex joins forces with Scott shortly after arriving on the scene.
Sydney is Cam’s girlfriend and Jenna’s sister. Like Cam, she’s a fun-loving character. However, as the winter progresses, Sydney grows warier of Cam’s worsening condition, eventually reaching out to Evan for help.
Joanne Birch
Joanne is a member of the council that runs the reserve. Her main job is printing flyers that update the reserve’s residents about the power outage and energy conservation efforts.
Amanda is Jenna’s mother. She’s an active community member who helps distribute rations throughout the winter. Amanda grief-stricken by Jenna’s death, but she’s resilient in supporting the community despite her personal hardships.
Tammy is Nicole’s older cousin. She and her partner, Will, are close with Evan and Nicole, and they comfort one another during the wintry crisis.
Will is Tammy’s partner.
Vinny Jones
Vinny Jones is a community member who selfishly ignores community notices and keeps all his lights on, even though others are trying to conserve energy with dwindling fuel supplies. Vinny doesn’t survive the winter.
Candance North
Candance is Isaiah’s mother; she’s a member of the council that runs the reserve. Candace is a nurturing figure who often soothes reserve chief Terry Meegis when he’s nervous about addressing the community at their meetings.
Jeff is a community member who helps out with hunting. He dismisses Scott’s egotistical pride when Scott kills a moose, explaining that the community tries not to overhunt in order to live in equilibrium with the land.