

Lois Lowry

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Son makes teaching easy.

Son: Book 2, Chapter 12  Summary & Analysis

It’s spring now. Tall Andras has a baby son, and Bryn’s twins have teeth. Claire gathers nettles with Bethan, teaching her how to identify and safely gather the plants. But Bethan says that she doesn’t want Claire to leave, even though she understands why Claire must. The seasons continue to change, but this no longer surprises Claire. The following spring, she asks Einar how long Yellow-wing will live. He assures her that the bird will live long enough to keep Alys company once Claire leaves. It’s now been six years since Claire arrived, and it’s been five since she remembered her baby’s birth. Einar says she’ll be ready to go soon. 
Six years in the village has seen Claire grow up and integrate into the community. In addition to knowing her colors and the seasons, she now takes on a mentoring role to Bethan—something that marks Claire as adult. However, she still remains somewhat distant from the village because of her plan to climb out; this is why she’s so concerned about making sure Alys will have Yellow-wing as company when she’s gone.
Travel, Fitting In, and Values Theme Icon
Family and Coming of Age Theme Icon
It’s almost summer now. Claire continues with her exercises as she helps Alys with daily tasks. One morning, as she puts Yellow-wing’s cage outside, Einar visits. He observes that they’re going to have good weather for a few days—so it’s time for Claire to make the climb.
Finally, the time has come for Claire to leave this village so she can become the loving and present mother she’d like to be for her son.
Pain and Maternal Love Theme Icon
Travel, Fitting In, and Values Theme Icon