The Master and Margarita


Mikhail Bulgakov

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Riukhin is a poet who helps transport Ivan Homeless from the restaurant at Griboedov’s to Stravinsky’s clinic. Ivan, distressed from his experience with Woland and Patriarch’s Pond, tells Riukhin that he thinks he is a terrible writer. These words hit home with Riukhin on his way back from the clinic.
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Alexander Riukhin Character Timeline in The Master and Margarita

The timeline below shows where the character Alexander Riukhin appears in The Master and Margarita. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6. Schizophrenia, as was Said
The Danger and Absurdity of Soviet Society Theme Icon
It’s now half past one in the morning. The poet Riukhin, who helped carry Ivan into the police truck, stands in the examining room of the... (full context)
Art and Authenticity Theme Icon
...protests furiously that he isn’t insane; despite the fantastical nature of what Ivan is saying, Riukhin doesn’t see madness in his eyes. The doctor informs Ivan that this is not a... (full context)
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon
Art and Authenticity Theme Icon
The Danger and Absurdity of Soviet Society Theme Icon
Riukhin exits into the dawn. He reflects on his career to date and concludes that everything... (full context)