The Master and Margarita


Mikhail Bulgakov

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Arkady is the smug and rotund chairman of the Moscow Theaters’ “Acoustics Commission.” He appears during Woland’s Variety performance, demanding from his seat that the magicians explain what they are doing. Koroviev informs the entire theater that Arkady is having an affair—which is awkward for his wife and niece sitting in the box with him.
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Arkady Apollonovich Character Timeline in The Master and Margarita

The timeline below shows where the character Arkady Apollonovich appears in The Master and Margarita. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 12. Black Magic and Its Exposure
Art and Authenticity Theme Icon
The Ambiguity of Good and Evil Theme Icon
The Danger and Absurdity of Soviet Society Theme Icon
...One minute later, the shop melts into thin air. At this moment, a deep-voiced man, Arkady Apollonovich, shouts down from one of the boxes, saying that, though the trick is impressive,... (full context)
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon
Art and Authenticity Theme Icon
The Ambiguity of Good and Evil Theme Icon
The Danger and Absurdity of Soviet Society Theme Icon
Koroviev tells Arkady that they will reveal all—after one last number. He asks Arkady where he was yesterday... (full context)
Chapter 27. The End of Apartment no. 50
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon
The Ambiguity of Good and Evil Theme Icon
The Danger and Absurdity of Soviet Society Theme Icon
The investigators interview Arkady Apollonovich about his experience at the theater, who confirms that the magician’s name was Woland.... (full context)