The Master and Margarita


Mikhail Bulgakov

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Judas is a young man who works in a money-changing shop. He meets Yeshua and under false pretenses tricks him into criticizing the state authorities (who are lying in wait to arrest him). Judas is paid by Joseph Kaifa for his service but does not live to enjoy the money; he is lured by the attractive Niza to an olive grove outside of the city, where the hooded Pontius Pilate murders him.
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Judas of Kiriath Character Timeline in The Master and Margarita

The timeline below shows where the character Judas of Kiriath appears in The Master and Margarita. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2. Pontius Pilate
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon
The Ambiguity of Good and Evil Theme Icon
Love and Hope Theme Icon
The Danger and Absurdity of Soviet Society Theme Icon
...anything bad about the emperor, Tiberius Caesar. Pilate questions Yeshua privately on whether he knows “Judas from Kiriath” and if Yeshua said what he was reported by Judas to have said.... (full context)
Chapter 25. How the Procurator Tried to Save Judas of Kiriath
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon no possibility of him acquiring “admirers or followers.” They then move on to discuss Judas of Kiriath. (full context)
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon
The Ambiguity of Good and Evil Theme Icon
The Danger and Absurdity of Soviet Society Theme Icon
Aphranius explains that Judas is to receive money from the palace of Kaifa for turning in Yeshua. The procurator... (full context)
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon
The Ambiguity of Good and Evil Theme Icon
The two men discuss the potential assassination of Judas, saying it will cause trouble for the high priest Kaifa and will “cause a very... (full context)
Chapter 26. The Burial
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon
The Danger and Absurdity of Soviet Society Theme Icon
Niza gets changed and sneaks out of her house. Meanwhile, Judas visits the high priest Kaifa to receive his money for turning in Yeshua Ha-Nozri. Niza... (full context)
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon
The Ambiguity of Good and Evil Theme Icon
Love and Hope Theme Icon
Judas wonders where Niza is going, as they had arranged to meet that evening. She says... (full context)
The Ambiguity of Good and Evil Theme Icon
Later, Judas arrives at the moonlit grotto, which seems completely deserted. Suddenly, two men appear. They threaten... (full context)
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon
The Ambiguity of Good and Evil Theme Icon
...fetch Aphranius and complains that "even by moonlight I have no peace.” Aphranius reports that Judas has been killed and shows Pilate the bloody purse. (full context)
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon
The Ambiguity of Good and Evil Theme Icon
Aphranius explains that he has not yet found Judas’s body but assumes that he would have been killed out of town. Pilate wonders how... (full context)
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon
The Ambiguity of Good and Evil Theme Icon
Aphranius adds that no one at Kaifa’s palace will admit to paying Judas any money, which Pilate suggests will make it “much harder to find the killers.” Pilate... (full context)
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon
The Ambiguity of Good and Evil Theme Icon
...seal ring as a memento. He orders the men who were supposed to be surveilling Judas to be reprimanded, and those who performed the burial to be rewarded. (full context)
Courage and Cowardice Theme Icon
The Ambiguity of Good and Evil Theme Icon
...Levi says he knows he can’t kill Pilate but will devote his life to killing Judas of Kiriath. Pilate informs him that Judas has already been killed and, furthermore, it was... (full context)