The Three Musketeers


Alexandre Dumas

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The Three Musketeers: Chapter 38 Summary & Analysis

D’Artagnan heads to Athos’s house while still dressed in women’s clothes. Although Athos is confused, he quickly recognizes that the person appearing before him is, in fact, d’Artagnan. D’Artagnan tells Athos about what just happened and asks him if he is sure that his ex-wife is actually dead. Athos asks d’Artagnan to describe Milady. The woman d’Artagnan describes sounds exactly like Athos’s former wife. Neither Athos nor d’Artagnan know what to do with this information, but they plan to stay away from Milady.
Though this passage has a comical edge to it, with d’Artagnan showing up in women’s clothes, it’s also significant for the plot, as d’Artagnan and Athos move closer to figuring out Milady’s real identity.
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D’Artagnan gives Athos the sapphire ring gifted to him by Milady. The two men decide that they will sell it and use it to buy their equipment for the upcoming campaign. After, d’Artagnan returns home to find Kitty standing outside of his apartment. Kitty asks d’Artagnan to find her new employment outside of Paris; otherwise, she will be subjected to Milady’s wrath. D’Artagnan doesn’t have connections of his own, so he sends Planchet to go and find Aramis. In the meantime, d’Artagnan attempts to console Kitty by telling her that he still cares for her and has no interest in any other women, including Madame Bonacieux.
The sapphire ring Milady gifted to d’Artagnan comes in useful here. Meanwhile, d’Artagnan’s romantic dalliances come back to haunt him, as Kitty finds herself in need, yet d’Artagnan isn’t in a good position to help her. It’s yet another example of how romance can be a harmful distraction rather than a positive thing.
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Before long, Aramis shows up and d’Artagnan asks him if he knows a place where Kitty can work as a maid. Aramis tells her to go to Tours because of his connections there. Before Kitty leaves, she once again reiterates her love for d’Artagnan. Once she is gone, d'Artagnan and his musketeer friends make plans to meet at 4 p.m. at Athos’s place. Afterwards, Athos and d'Artagnan sell Milady’s ring and use the funds to buy new horses and their equipment for war.
Kitty’s situation is thoroughly unfortunate—because of her lower class and lack of power, she’s basically at the mercy of men who don’t actually care that much about what happens to her. D’Artagnan and the musketeers just carry on with their lives, happy that they’ve gotten what they needed for the time being.
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