The Three Musketeers


Alexandre Dumas

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The Three Musketeers: Chapter 62 Summary & Analysis

Milady goes outside to speak with Rochefort. There, she tells him that Madame Bonacieux is in the convent. Additionally, she tells him that d’Artagnan and the other musketeers are on their way to rescue her. Milady is sick of d’Artagnan and his friends and doesn’t understand why the cardinal hasn’t sent them to the Bastille by now. Together, Rochefort and Milady scheme. Milady plans to use the next 24 hours to handle Madame Bonacieux. In the meantime, she wants Rochefort to send her a carriage that she can use to escape. After, they plan to meet up at Armentières. Because Rochefort isn’t familiar with the town, he decides to write its name down on a slip of paper.
This chapter reveals that Milady’s arrival at the convent occurs prior to d’Artagnan’s spotting of Rochefort. After all, Rochefort already possessed the note that said “Armentières” when d’Artagnan saw him. This chapter is also notable becomes it is the only extended look at the relationship between Rochefort and Milady. Evidently, the two are comfortable with one another, but their relationship is not romantic in nature.
Seduction and Romance Theme Icon
Literary Devices