


James Joyce

Ascot Gold Cup Term Analysis

The Ascot Gold Cup is a prestigious horserace held in England every June.
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Ascot Gold Cup Term Timeline in Ulysses

The timeline below shows where the term Ascot Gold Cup appears in Ulysses. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Episode 5: Lotus Eaters
...the newspaper from under Bloom’s armpit because he wants to see the listings about the Ascot Gold Cup horserace. Bloom notices Bantam’s filthy fingers and dandruff-covered shoulders, then tells him to keep the... (full context)
Episode 7: Aeolus
...an office with the paper Sport and says that Sceptre is going to win the Ascot Gold Cup . One of the rowdy paper staff bursts in the door by accident, letting in... (full context)
A flurry of activity interrupts Stephen’s story—the newsboys have more updates from the Ascot Gold Cup horseraces. Leopold Bloom also returns to the office. He tells Crawford that Keyes will run... (full context)
Episode 8: Lestrygonians
...be making a point about Boylan. Nosey Flynn asks Davy Byrne for tips about the Ascot Gold Cup horseraces, but Byrne says he’s not a gambler. While Bloom enjoys his simple, clean lunch,... (full context)
...pub, Lyons tells the other men that Bloom gave him a faulty tip for the Ascot Gold Cup horserace. (full context)
Episode 10: Wandering Rocks
Lenehan checks on the Ascot Gold Cup in Lyman’s bar and then reports that Bantam Lyons is planning to make a ridiculous... (full context)
Episode 11: Sirens
The clock strikes four o’clock, which means it’s time for the Ascot Gold Cup results. Lenehan is eagerly hoping for the horse Sceptre to win. Bloom sits near the... (full context)
Episode 12: Cyclops
Lenehan informs the other men that the horse Throwaway, a longshot and outsider, won the Ascot Gold Cup . Lenehan, Boylan, and Boylan’s “lady friend” (possibly Molly Bloom) all lost money by betting... (full context)
Lenehan falsely claims that Bloom has left to collect his horserace winnings from the Ascot Gold Cup —after all, Bantam Lyons told Lenehan that Bloom gave him a tip for Throwaway. The... (full context)
Episode 14: Oxen of the Sun
Conversation suddenly turns to the Ascot Gold Cup : Madden complains that Sceptre was about to win, but Throwaway pulled ahead at the... (full context)
Episode 17: Ithaca
...kitchen cabinet. Bloom sees two old betting tickets on the dresser, remembers the day’s unusual Ascot Gold Cup , and thinks about how he threw away the pamphlet about Elijah in the morning... (full context)
Episode 18: Penelope
...best sex position, then remembers how Boylan was frustrated to lose twenty pounds on Lenehan’s Ascot Gold Cup tip. (full context)