War Horse


Michael Morpurgo

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War Horse Characters


Joey is a Thoroughbred-draft horse mix who comes to live with the farmer, mother, and Albert. Despite his physical beauty—he has a reddish coat, four white socks of exactly equal height, a… read analysis of Joey


Albert is the son of the farmer and the mother. A kind, gentle, loving boy who respects animals and treats them as his equals, he quickly befriends Joey and earns the horse’s undying love… read analysis of Albert


Topthorn is Captain Jamie Stewart’s horse. A fine, beautiful animal, he earns the love and devotion of almost everyone he meets, including Herr Hauptmann, Emilie and her grandfather, Friedrich, and Rudiread analysis of Topthorn

Captain Nicholls

Captain Nicholls is Joey’s second owner, a cavalry officer who buys the horse from the farmer at the start of the war. Captain Nicholls is a kind, artistic man who not only sees Joey’s… read analysis of Captain Nicholls

Trooper Charlie Warren

Trooper Charlie Warren is a young cavalry officer serving in the British Army under Captain Nicholls and Captain Jamie Stewart. The son of a blacksmith, Warren only joined the cavalry because local people put… read analysis of Trooper Charlie Warren
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Emilie is a young French farmgirl who loses her parents and her brother in the early part of the German invasion. She lives with her grandfather on a farm that ends up near one part… read analysis of Emilie


Known to his comrades as “Crazy Old Friedrich,” Friedrich is a German officer in the artillery unit who develops a deep affection for Topthorn and, to a lesser extent, Joey, while they all serve… read analysis of Friedrich


Emilie’s grandfather lives with Emilie on a French farm that ends up near the front lines in the early years of the war. When German troops capture Topthorn and Joey, they ask Emilie… read analysis of Grandfather

Sergeant Thunder

Sergeant Thunder is the second officer in Major Martin’s veterinary corps unit. A loud, imposing, and neatly groomed man, Sergeant Thunder commands the respect of all the men under him, including Albert and Davidread analysis of Sergeant Thunder


David is Albert’s closest friend in Major Martin’s and Sergeant Thunder’s veterinary unit. Prior to volunteering to join the British Army, David sold fruit from a small cart in London. He has… read analysis of David

Major Martin

Major Martin is the veterinarian in charge of the animal hospital where Joey is taken after the British Soldier rescues him from no-man’s-land. Martin is a skilled veterinarian and surgeon and a pragmatic, practical man… read analysis of Major Martin


The farmer is Joey’s first owner. He purchases the colt to deny his rival, Farmer Easton, the privilege and then brings it back to his farm where his son Albert and his wife… read analysis of Farmer

Captain Jamie Stewart

Captain Jamie Stewart is a friend and fellow officer of Captain Nicholls; Topthorn is Stewart’s horse. When Nicholls dies in battle, Stewart continues to keep an eye on Joey, pairing him with Trooperread analysis of Captain Jamie Stewart

Corporal Samuel Perkins

Corporal Samuel Perkins is a cavalry officer in the British Army. He’s responsible for training new horses before they go to war, including Joey. A former jockey (professional racehorse rider), Perkins appreciates horses for… read analysis of Corporal Samuel Perkins


Zoey is the farm horse that the farmer, mother, and Albert own before Joey arrives. She treats young Joey with kindness and works to shield him from the harshest parts of the farmer’s… read analysis of Zoey

British Soldier

The British Soldier is an unnamed man who emerges from the trenches on his side of the front line and approaches Joey after the horse has wandered into a stretch of no-man’s-land. He converses with… read analysis of British Soldier

German Soldier

The German Soldier is an unnamed individual who emerges from the trenches on his side of the front line and approaches Joey after the horse has wandered into a stretch of no-man’s-land. He converses with… read analysis of German Soldier

Herr Hauptmann

Herr Hauptmann is a German cavalry officer who receives treatment at the field hospital where Joey and Topthorn are taken as prisoners of war. He recognizes the value of the animals and ensures that they… read analysis of Herr Hauptmann

Herr Major

Herr Major commands the artillery unit that includes Heinie, Coco, and the Golden Halflingers among its horses and in which Friedrich serves. He commandeers Joey and Topthorn from Emilie and her grandfatherread analysis of Herr Major


Heinie is the lead horse of a gun team in Herr Major’s unit, which includes Coco, the Golden Halflingers, Joey and Topthorn. Even though he’s a big, strong draft horse, he… read analysis of Heinie
Minor Characters
The farmer’s wife and Albert’s mother, this woman loves her son very much and expresses loyalty and devotion to her husband, despite his drinking problem. She encourages Albert to respect his father and works hard to make peace between the two when conflicts arise.
Rudi is a young German soldier who adores horses and admires Joey and Topthorn. He and his friend Karl are with Joey and Friedrich when Topthorn dies, but Joey loses sight of them in the subsequent battle.
Karl is a young German soldier who is friends with Rudi. Karl has less appreciation for horses than his friend. He and Rudi are with Friedrich and Joey when Topthorn dies, but Joey loses sight of them in the subsequent battle.
Coco is one of the horses on Joey’s team in Herr Major’s artillery unit, along with Heinie, Topthorn, and the Golden Halflingers. A mean-tempered horse made nastier by the harsh treatment he receives in the German Army, Coco dies after stray shrapnel hits him.
The Golden Halflingers
The Golden Halflingers are a pair of small but powerful ponies that serve in Herr Major’s artillery unit. Joey becomes separated from them during an unexpected battle and never sees them again.
Maisie Brown
Maisie Brown is Albert’s sweetheart. She’s the only person who supports Albert’s hope that he will one day find Joey in France, although she never becomes very friendly with the horse after he and Albert return home after the war.
Farmer Easton
Farmer Easton is a neighbor and perceived rival of the farmer. It’s his interest in Joey that incites the farmer to buy the colt at auction, and it’s his bet that forces the farmer to make Albert train Joey to pull a plow.