Five Feet Apart


Rachael Lippincott

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Barb Character Analysis

Barb is one of Stella’s primary nurses. Stella and Barb have a close, almost mother-daughter relationship, as Barb has cared for Stella since she was six years old. Barb is deeply affected by an experience she had years prior, when she was a new nurse; she let two cystic fibrosis patients—one of whom had B. cepacia—break the rule of staying six feet apart, because they were in love and Barb wanted them to be happy. They both ended up dying prematurely after the one with B. cepacia transmitted the infection to the other. After this experience Barb became a stickler for the six-foot guideline. She harshly punishes Will, Stella, and Poe whenever she finds them breaking the hospital’s rules.
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Barb Character Timeline in Five Feet Apart

The timeline below shows where the character Barb appears in Five Feet Apart. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Stella
Death, Grief, and Guilt Theme Icon
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon
Hardship and Family Dynamics Theme Icon
...with her family, and she hopes her parents will get back together. Stella’s favorite nurse, Barb, tells Stella that Poe was also just admitted to the hospital. Poe and Stella have... (full context)
Chapter 2: Will
Risk and Consequences Theme Icon
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon
...neonatal intensive care unit. Will tries to talk to Stella but she brushes him off. Barb finds the two of them, and she chastises Will for leaving his floor and not... (full context)
Chapter 3: Stella
Death, Grief, and Guilt Theme Icon
Hardship and Family Dynamics Theme Icon
Barb helps Stella put on her AffloVest, which vibrates Stella’s torso to loosen the mucus in... (full context)
Chapter 4: Will
Love and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon
Hardship and Family Dynamics Theme Icon wears a designer coat as she leaves the hospital, and she tries to give Barb a $100 bill on her way out. She tells Barb that Will is a difficult... (full context)
Chapter 7: Stella
Love and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Death, Grief, and Guilt Theme Icon
Risk and Consequences Theme Icon
...him. She downloads an app that she created onto his phone. Stella knows that if Barb knew she was in Will’s room, she’d be in a lot of trouble. Stella listens... (full context)
Love and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Risk and Consequences Theme Icon
Barb suspects that Stella was in Will’s room, but Stella denies it. Poe and Stella videocall,... (full context)
Chapter 9: Stella
Death, Grief, and Guilt Theme Icon
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon
...drink and leaves her room to get a mop. In the hall, she accidentally wakes Barb, who was asleep in a chair. Barb opens her arms and Stella climbs into her... (full context)
Chapter 14: Will
Death, Grief, and Guilt Theme Icon
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon
Hardship and Family Dynamics Theme Icon
...dressed in scrubs. He stops when he sees Stella’s parents. They’re arguing over trivial things. Barb enters, and she chastises Stella’s parents, telling them to act like adults since Stella is... (full context)
Death, Grief, and Guilt Theme Icon
Risk and Consequences Theme Icon
Barb sees Will and angrily drags him back to his floor. She reiterates that him being... (full context)
Chapter 15: Stella
Love and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Risk and Consequences Theme Icon
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon
...things are over. Stella is shocked and confused. Poe explains the conversation he overheard between Barb and Will. (full context)
Chapter 19: Stella
Love and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon a window. Stella kisses Will’s reflection. Suddenly, Stella sees a text from Poe that Barb is looking for her and Will. Stella sprints to the neonatal intensive care unit, knowing... (full context)
Chapter 21: Stella
Death, Grief, and Guilt Theme Icon
Risk and Consequences Theme Icon
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon
...tears of joy. They head back to sit with everyone else. As they’re eating dessert, Barb suddenly storms in the room. Enraged, she sends Poe, Will, and Stella back to their... (full context)
Death, Grief, and Guilt Theme Icon
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon
...“Code Blue,” which means someone’s heart has stopped. It’s Poe. Panicked and confused, Stella follows Barb, Julie, and a team of emergency responders into Poe’s room. Staff members drag Stella back... (full context)
Chapter 22: Will
Love and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Death, Grief, and Guilt Theme Icon
Risk and Consequences Theme Icon
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon
Will sits in his room with his things packed waiting for Barb to come get him, but she doesn’t come all day. In his mind, Will keeps... (full context)
Chapter 23: Stella
Love and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Risk and Consequences Theme Icon
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon
...coming in at a frantic rate. She finally checks her phone to see texts from Barb, her parents, and her friends asking where she is—there is a lung transplant available for... (full context)
Chapter 27: Stella
Love and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Risk and Consequences Theme Icon
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon the bright hospital lights instead of the holiday lights at the park. Her parents, Barb, and Dr. Hamid are there. She asks about Will and hears his voice. He’s there... (full context)
Chapter 28: Will
Survival, Terminal Illness, and Hope Theme Icon
...Hamid and the surgery team emerge with the news that the transplant was successful. Later, Barb comes to Will’s room to tell him that Stella tested negative for B. cepacia. Will’s... (full context)