

Mary Shelley

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Frankenstein: Chapter 17 Summary & Analysis

The narrative returns to Victor's voice. Fearing that two monsters will just cause more murder and destruction, Victor refuses to agree to the monster's demand to create a female.
The monster's point was that it became vengeful only because of human prejudice and abandonment. But Victor is still prejudiced.
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The monster argues that its violence stems from its misery, and that Victor, as its creator, is responsible for that misery. The monster adds that if Victor creates a companion for it, the pair will flee to South America and avoid human contact forever. Victor feels compassion at the monster's words, but feels hatred whenever he looks at it. Still, he agrees to the bargain. The monster tells him it will monitor his progress, and departs.
The monster's argument wins Victor over intellectually, and Victor is forced to recognize that he failed the monster in a terrible way. And yet, at the same time, Victor cannot completely overcome his prejudice.
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