

Mary Shelley

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Frankenstein: Chapter 21 Summary & Analysis

At Mr. Kirwin's office, Victor learns that a man in his mid-twenties was found dead on the shore with black marks on his neck. And various witnesses testify that a boat much like Victor's was seen at sea. Victor is taken to see the body. It is Clerval. Victor falls into convulsions, and remains bedridden and delusional for two months.
The monster's revenge and Victor's ambition cost another innocent life. The monster intentionally targets Victor's closest family and friends, making Victor's isolation as enforced as its own.
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Ambition and Fallibility Theme Icon
Revenge Theme Icon
Lost Innocence Theme Icon
When Victor regains awareness he is still in prison. Mr. Kirwin treats him kindly, advising him that he'll likely be freed. He also tells Victor that his father has come to see him.
Yet unlike the monster, Victor still does have connections to other men and a family.
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Two weeks later Victor is released because the court has nothing but circumstantial evidence against him. Despairing and determined to protect his family from the monster, Victor returns with his father to Geneva.
Victor's release stands in contrast to Justine's conviction. But Victor has his father helping him, while Victor stayed silent and did not help Justine.
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