Out of the Dust

Out of the Dust


Karen Hesse

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Out of the Dust: 39. Birthday Summary & Analysis

In August of 1934, Billie Jo celebrates her birthday by walking to town where she can listen to Arley play music. On her way there, she does her best to put what happened out of her mind. At this point, all of her father’s wheat is gone—the land looks desolate. As Billie Jo walks, her “lumps of flesh that once were hands long enough to span octaves” swing by her sides.
Listening to Arley play music is both a blessing and a curse. Billie Jo loves music, but the “lumps of flesh” (her hands) are a constant reminder that she cannot create it herself. The way Billie Jo speaks of her hands in this chapter suggests that they no longer seem like a part of her.
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