Out of the Dust

Out of the Dust


Karen Hesse

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Out of the Dust Characters

Billie Jo

Billie Jo is a teenage girl who does her best to survive living in the Oklahoma Panhandle during the Dust Bowl. Billie Jo is mature for her age and possesses many stereotypically male characteristics… read analysis of Billie Jo

Billie Jo’s Father

Billie Jo’s father is a solemn man who loves Billie Jo but often has a hard time demonstrating it. Billie Jo knows her father would have rather had a son than a daughter, and… read analysis of Billie Jo’s Father

Billie Jo’s Mother

Billie Jo’s mother is a loving but stern woman who does what she can to look after her family. Billie Jo’s mother is a talented piano player, though she only lets her talent out… read analysis of Billie Jo’s Mother


Louise is a woman whom Billie Jo’s father starts dating about a year after the death of Billie Jo’s mother. Louis is an emotionally intelligent woman who does not try to replace Billie Jo’s… read analysis of Louise

Mad Dog Craddock

Mad Dog Craddock is Billie Jo’s friend, as well as the most talented pianist in town. He is always kind to Billie Jo and humble about his musical abilities. Despite his name, he is… read analysis of Mad Dog Craddock
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Arley Wanderdale

Arley Wanderdale is the music teacher at Billie Jo’s school and a talented musician in his own right. Even after Billie Jo burns her hands, Arley regularly encourages her to play piano. Whenever an… read analysis of Arley Wanderdale
Minor Characters
Doc Rice
Doc Rice is Joyce City’s local doctor. He does his best to treat Billie Jo’s mother, though there is little he can do. Billie Jo and her father also go and see him late in the novel to discuss their ailments.
Aunt Ellis
Aunt Ellis is Billie Jo’s aunt. She offers to raise Franklin if he survives. Aunt Ellis also sends a letter to Billie Jo, offering her a place to stay if she decides she wants out of Joyce City. However, Billie Jo never takes her up on the offer.
Franklin is Billie Jo’s infant brother who dies almost immediately after he is born. Billie Jo names him after President Roosevelt.
Grandma Lucas
Grandma Lucas is an elderly woman Billie Jo and her family know, though they are not actually related. Billie Jo and her father try and fail to attend Grandma Lucas’s funeral because they get caught up in a severe dust storm.
Reverend Bingham
Reverend Bingham performs the service at the funeral the community holds for Billie Jo’s mother and Franklin.
Mr. Hardly
Mr. Hardly owns the grocery store in Joyce City. Billie Jo has to be careful when she interacts with him because she knows he has a reputation for cheating his customers.
Reuben Killian
Reuben is Livie Killian’s older brother. After the Killians move out west, he sets off on his own to find work.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt is the president of the United States during the Dust Bowl. Billie Jo greatly admires him.
Miss Freeland
Miss Freeland is the teacher at Billie Jo’s school. She is a kind and charitable woman who always does the best she can for her students.
Buddy Williams
Buddy Williams and his family seek shelter at Billie Jo’s school for a few weeks because his wife is pregnant. While he waits for his wife to give birth, Buddy helps out around the school.
Joe De La Flor
Joe De La Flor is a local farmer who is friendly with Billie Jo’s father.
Mrs. Brown
Mrs. Brown is one of Billie Jo’s neighbors. She invites the community over to watch her cereus plant bloom.
Coach Albright
Coach Albright is the basketball coach at Billie Jo’s school.
Mr. Kincannon
Mr. Kincannon is a resident of Joyce City. Billie Jo’s father helps him pull his truck out of the mud.
Haydon P. Nye
Haydon P. Nye is one of the original settlers of the Oklahoma Panhandle. He dies in January of 1935.
Haydon P. Nye’s Wife
Haydon P. Nye’s wife dies two months after her husband. Billie Jo suspects that she dies from a broken heart.
Mr. Noble
Mr. Noble is a man who lives in Joyce City. He gets into a rabbit-killing competition with Mr. Romney.
Mr. Romney
Mr. Romney is a man who lives in Joyce City. He gets into a rabbit-killing competition with Mr. Noble.
Livie Killian
Livie Killian is Billie Jo’s friend from school. At the beginning of the novel, she and her family move away from Joyce City in the hopes of finding a better life out west.
Sheriff Robertson
Sheriff Robertson is the sheriff responsible for dealing with crime in and around Joyce City.
Ivy Hurford
Ivy Hurford is the leader of the Hazel Hurd Players, a musical group that performs in Joyce City.
Ben Grover
Ben Grover is a clarinet player who wins the talent competition in Joyce City.
Pete Guymon
Pete Guymon delivers produce to Mr. Hardly’s store. He dies of dust pneumonia.
Elzire Dionne
Elzire Dionne is a woman Billie Jo reads about in the paper. She lives in Canada and gives birth to five children at once.
James Kingsbury
James Kingsbury took the photographs of the Dionne Quintuplets, which Billie Jo sees in the newspaper.
Mr. Tuttle
Mr. Tuttle is one of the local farmers in Joyce City
Vera Wanderdale
Vera is Arley Wanderdale’s wife.