The Return of the Native


Thomas Hardy

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The Return of the Native: Book 3, Chapter 2 Summary & Analysis

Though Clym’s love for Egdon is genuine, his plan for a school is half-baked. When he reveals his plans to Mrs. Yeobright, she is shocked and angered. Mrs. Yeobright worked hard to make sure that Clym was educated and could make a better life for himself than what can be found on the heath. She feels as though Clym wants to throw all of her hard work away. Clym insists that wealth and status aren’t everything, though Mrs. Yeobright clearly disagrees.
Clym’s plans are the last thing Mrs. Yeobright wants to hear about after Thomasin’s disastrous marriage. She worries that Clym will continue to lower the status of their family by remaining at Egdon. Although Mrs. Yeobright and Eustacia will soon clash heads, they are not all that different from each other. Both believe that life is better away from the heath.
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In the middle of their argument, Christian arrives with a story. Apparently, Eustacia attended church for the first time in a long time. During the service, Susan Nunsuch jabbed Eustacia with a needle. Though Mrs. Yeobright doesn’t like Eustacia, she feels bad for her, and Clym is even more sympathetic. Clym also wonders whether such simple and superstitious people would truly benefit from the school he hopes to build. However, he is interested in Eustacia and begins looking for an excuse to meet her. He thinks she might be the same woman he met at the Christmas party. Before long, an excuse arrives, as Sam informs Clym that the Vyes are having an issue with their well. Clym insists on coming along to help.
Eustacia likely attended church hoping to see Clym, although that obviously did not happen. However, her plan works indirectly because Clym learns her name and immediately takes an interest in her. Also, it is worth noting that the reason Susan jabs Eustacia is to test whether she is a witch.
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