The Return of the Native


Thomas Hardy

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The Return of the Native: Book 5, Chapter 2 Summary & Analysis

One evening, while Clym is still depressed, Christian arrives and provides him with a new piece of information. Mrs. Yeobright had forgiven her son and was on her way to see him on the morning of her death. Clym is confused; he now has two pieces of contradictory evidence. Not long after, Venn stops by, and Clym tell him that his mother is dead. The news shocks Venn, though he seconds Christian’s opinion that Mrs. Yeobright forgave Clym.
Christian’s information sets Clym on a path to find out the truth. Although Clym does not know it yet, it seems that learning the truth about Mrs. Yeobright’s death will cost Clym his relationship with Eustacia.
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Realizing that something doesn’t add up, Clym decides to speak to Johnny again. Johnny is Susan Nunsuch’s son, and she assures Clym that Johnny is telling the truth. Nonetheless, Clym demands to speak with Johnny again. This time, Clym finds out that by the time Johnny saw his mother, she was already on her way back from Clym’s home. Johnny tells Clym that he saw a man enter Clym’s house and then watched as Eustacia turned Mrs. Yeobright away. This infuriates Clym, who leaves to find Eustacia.
Because Eustacia does not speak up about what actually happened on the day of Mrs. Yeobright’s death, Clym is now left to assume the worst.
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