The Return of the Native


Thomas Hardy

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The Return of the Native: Book 3, Chapter 5 Summary & Analysis

Mrs. Yeobright hears from Captain Vye that Clym is going to marry Eustacia, and she is not happy. She yells at Clym and calls Eustacia “an unworthy person.” This doesn’t go over well with Clym, who, once again, angrily storms out of the house. He meets up with Eustacia, and the two of them discuss Mrs. Yeobright’s disapproval. Then, they move onto a happier subject; Clym promises Eustacia that after the first six months of their marriage, he will move them to Budmouth. In the meantime, they will live in a small cottage while Clym studies. Eustacia is hesitant, but she ultimately agrees to Clym’s conditions. Eustacia leaves, and Clym contemplates his situation. He loves Eustacia but is worried about what she expects out of their marriage.
Although the conditions surrounding their impending marriage are not ideal, Clym and Eustacia have managed to make a compromise in the form of Budmouth. Still, though, Eustacia holds out hope for Paris, suggesting that Clym is right to be concerned about rushing into this marriage too quickly.
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