Major Muhamed runs New Java camp, the colony outpost that Don Davidson is sent to as punishment after his unauthorized air raid on the Athsheans. Davidson describes Muhamed as a by-the-book leader, and his camp is well-organized with regulated logging—a sharp contrast to Davidson’s own camp, Smith, which flouted rules and was eventually burned by the Athsheans. Davidson notes that Muhamed doesn’t like the new orders from HQ, which include a policy of nonviolence against the Athsheans, but he follows them to the letter and expects those in New Java to do the same. Davidson dislikes him due to his strictness, his distrust of Davidson (whom he sees as unreliable), and his race. (Davidson distrusts all non-white soldiers and Muhamed is an “asiatiform,” meaning he’s of Asian descent). Davidson begins to carry out raids on Athsheans unbeknownst to Muhamed, and he eventually commandeers New Java camp and kills Muhamed and the other non-white soldiers. The novella implies that Muhamed’s organization of New Java was part of what allowed Davidson to take command easily, as he was able to sow distrust of Muhamed and the Athsheans among all levels of Muhamed’s operation.