The Word for World is Forest


Ursula K. Le Guin

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Oknanawi Nabo Character Analysis

Oknanawi Nabo, whom Don Davidson refers to as “Ok,” is a dark-skinned officer working as a foreman in Smith Camp prior to the Athsheans’ attack on Smith. Ok is in charge of the Athshean slaves in the mill, and in a conversation with Davidson, Ok expresses his frustration with the Athshean work ethic. Davidson realizes that Ok does not want to hurt the native Athsheans because they’re much smaller than him, which demonstrates that Ok might have slightly more empathy than some of his fellow colonists. However, Ok does dislike the Athsheans, as they creep him out. The Athsheans kill Ok during their attack on Smith, and Davidson later notes that Ok’s body had an arrow in each eye.
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Oknanawi Nabo Character Timeline in The Word for World is Forest

The timeline below shows where the character Oknanawi Nabo appears in The Word for World is Forest. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter One
Violence, War, and Colonization Theme Icon
...Davidson, and he’s a little slow to turn around—this stupid planet makes him daydream. It’s Oknanawi Nabo (Ok), a dark-skinned, tough-looking guy. Davidson lights a reefer (his first for today) and... (full context)
Violence, War, and Colonization Theme Icon
Ok argues that the creechies too little and it doesn’t work to starve them, but Davidson... (full context)
Violence, War, and Colonization Theme Icon
Davidson senses that Ok won’t hurt creechies due to their small size, so he suggests that Ok threaten them... (full context)
Chapter Four
Violence, War, and Colonization Theme Icon
Gender and Masculinity Theme Icon
...the men’s fault. Davidson knows what the creechies are like—he saw the bodies at Smith. Ok had an arrow in each eye. (full context)