The ways the different characters see the sky highlights the differences between them, mostly their financial differences. Aza and her dad see the sky as fractured, as represented most often by Aza's dad's photographs of the sky through tree branches. Though Aza thinks it's beautiful, the branches are obstacles to her seeing the entire sky. Davis, on the other hand, views the sky most often from his treeless estate or through his telescope. For him, the sky is clear, endless, and vast. His ability to move through life is similar to how he sees the sky clearly. He can afford to look far away to school in Colorado or a prestigious college. Aza can only look far away in her dreams about college; in reality, she knows she'll likely stay close to home and go to school in Indiana.
The Sky, Stars, and Astronomy Quotes in Turtles All the Way Down
And he was obviously a person. Like, what even makes you a person? He had a body and a soul and feelings, and he spoke a language, and he was an adult, and if he and Rey were in hot, hairy, communicative love, then let's just thank God that two consenting, sentient adults found each other in a dark and broken galaxy.
... I realized something Davis must have already known: Spirals grow infinitely small the farther you follow them inward, but they also grow infinitely large the farther you follow them out.