Lonesome Dove

Lonesome Dove


Larry McMurtry

Dog Face Character Analysis

Dog Face is one of two white men in Blue Duck’s band of brigands. He and Monkey John purchase a half share of Lorena from Blue Duck with some hides. He’s younger and kinder to Lorena than Monkey John is, but he still rapes her. When July Johnson and his group unexpectedly come upon him and the others, Dog Face takes a fatal but slow-killing shot in the gut. Afterwards, the Indigenous members of Blue Duck’s band scalp and castrate him. Augustus McCrae finally puts Dog Face out of his misery in the process of rescuing Lorena.
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Dog Face Character Timeline in Lonesome Dove

The timeline below shows where the character Dog Face appears in Lonesome Dove. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 55
American Mythology Theme Icon
Feminine Strength Theme Icon
...Ermoke and his men, Blue Duck’s gang includes two white men called Monkey John and Dog Face . Monkey John beats Lorena for her silence. Dog Face is kinder, though he still... (full context)
American Mythology Theme Icon
...her belly, pull out her intestines, and begin eating them. This disgusts Monkey John and Dog Face , who label the Kiowas “dern gut eaters.” (full context)
Chapter 57
The Meaning of Masculinity Theme Icon
Feminine Strength Theme Icon
In Blue Duck’s camp, Dog Face lies on a blanket, dying a slow and painful death thanks to the bullet he... (full context)
American Mythology Theme Icon
The Meaning of Masculinity Theme Icon
Lorena listens to Dog Face moaning with each breath. Dog Face asks Monkey John to protect her from the others,... (full context)