Lonesome Dove

Lonesome Dove


Larry McMurtry

Hutto Character Analysis

Hutto is a bandit who works the trail between Fort Smith, Arkansas and Fort Worth, Texas with his partner, Jim. They attempt to rob Roscoe Brown. Hutto is an immense mountain of a man, but Janey and her expertly thrown rocks still get the better of him. When July Johnson arrests Hutto and Jim and hauls them off to jail in Fort Worth, Hutto maintains an upbeat attitude the whole time.
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Hutto Character Timeline in Lonesome Dove

The timeline below shows where the character Hutto appears in Lonesome Dove. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 52
American Mythology Theme Icon
Feminine Strength Theme Icon
...Fort Worth. She’s out of sight when Roscoe encounters two unpleasant men (later identified as Hutto and Jim) who ask him for tobacco and don’t believe him when he says (truthfully)... (full context)
Luck, Fate, and Chance Theme Icon
Feminine Strength Theme Icon
While Hutto and Jim make Roscoe strip naked—thinking he must have sewn money into his clothes—Janey slips... (full context)
American Mythology Theme Icon
Luck, Fate, and Chance Theme Icon
July quickly decides that the best plan is to take Hutto and Jim to the authorities in Fort Worth. They break camp, mount the horses, and... (full context)
Chapter 68
Luck, Fate, and Chance Theme Icon
...has heard gossip about how July Johnson and a little girl got the better of Hutto and Jim. Still, he regrets his situation. Dan, Ed, and Roy are the meanest, roughest... (full context)