Lonesome Dove

Lonesome Dove


Larry McMurtry

Dr. Joseph Cincinnatus Mobley Character Analysis

Dr. Mobley is one of two physicians residing in Miles City, and he’s the one who amputates Augustus’s leg. Dr. Mobley subsequently tries—but fails—to convince Gus to let him amputate the second one to save his life. Dr. Mobley is a morose man who drinks too much, and he and Gus grate on each other’s nerves during their short acquaintance.
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Dr. Joseph Cincinnatus Mobley Character Timeline in Lonesome Dove

The timeline below shows where the character Dr. Joseph Cincinnatus Mobley appears in Lonesome Dove. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 96
American Mythology Theme Icon
Luck, Fate, and Chance Theme Icon
...a bottle of whiskey by his elbow. When Gus wakes him, he introduces himself as Dr. Joseph Cincinnatus Mobley . Dr. Mobley removed Gus’s left leg—the wounded one—but he’s worried that the infection has... (full context)
The Good Life  Theme Icon
The Meaning of Masculinity Theme Icon
...he sees that the infection has spread, and he tries to talk Gus into letting Dr. Mobley operate. Again, Gus refuses, even pulling his gun on Call to make his point. He... (full context)
Chapter 97
The Good Life  Theme Icon
Call asks Dr. Mobley about storing Gus’s body over winter. Dr. Mobley says he should pack it in salt... (full context)