

Neil Gaiman

Daisy is a beautiful and sensible girl in Wall. She and Dunstan Thorn are courting when the Faerie market comes to Wall, and though Daisy is thrilled when Dunstan kisses her at the market and gives her a glass flower, she mopes after, when Dunstan begins ignoring her. Eventually, thanks to their mothers’ scheming, the two marry and have a daughter, Louisa. Daisy agrees to raise Tristran—Dunstan’s son with Lady Una, a faerie woman—as her own, though the novel hints at several points that this has never been easy for her.
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Daisy Hempstock Character Timeline in Stardust

The timeline below shows where the character Daisy Hempstock appears in Stardust. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1 
Youth, Aging, and Maturity Theme Icon
Love and Ownership Theme Icon for Tommy. Dunstan isn’t at the Seventh Magpie that evening, as he’s busy courting Daisy Hempstock. They often walk in the evenings, accompanied by Mrs. Hempstock. When they say goodbye... (full context)
Youth, Aging, and Maturity Theme Icon
Love and Ownership Theme Icon
Home and Belonging Theme Icon
Rules  Theme Icon
Dunstan keeps his eyes out for a trinket for Daisy. Hearing lovely chimes, he follows the sound and finds a stall filled with tiny crystal... (full context)
Love and Ownership Theme Icon
Dunstan approaches Daisy at Mr. Bromios’s tent, gives her the snowdrop, and kisses her cheek. Mr. Hempstock declares... (full context)
Youth, Aging, and Maturity Theme Icon
Home and Belonging Theme Icon
...A week after that, Mrs. Hempstock has tea with Mrs. Thorn. Mrs. Hempstock says that Daisy is pining because Dunstan has been ignoring her. Mrs. Thorn admits that she and her... (full context)
Chapter 2
Youth, Aging, and Maturity Theme Icon
Love and Ownership Theme Icon
Home and Belonging Theme Icon
Rules  Theme Icon tell Tristran that the cat will be happier “[w]ith her own kind.” His mother Daisy, as usual, says nothing. Louisa teases him mercilessly about this, his ears’ odd shape, and... (full context)
Love and Ownership Theme Icon
Home and Belonging Theme Icon
Tristran runs home and ignores Daisy when she asks how he got so dirty and bedraggled. He announces to her and... (full context)
Chapter 10
Youth, Aging, and Maturity Theme Icon
Home and Belonging Theme Icon
...Magpie’s bar, waiting for Tristran. He greets his son and suggests they go home, where Daisy has breakfast waiting for them. As they walk, Dunstan tells Tristran the truth about the... (full context)