

Neil Gaiman

Mr. Monday is a well-to-do widower in Wall. Along with Mr. Brown, he owns Monday and Brown’s, the local store, and he regularly drives to London to purchase the items people have ordered. While Victoria is initially put off to hear that even 45-year-old Mr. Monday is in love with her, she eventually comes around to the idea of marrying an older man—and she accepts his proposal of marriage. Their marriage fulfills one of the conditions necessary to lift the curse that enslaved Lady Una to Madame Semele, as their marriage brings “two Mondays” together.

Mr. Monday Quotes in Stardust

The Stardust quotes below are all either spoken by Mr. Monday or refer to Mr. Monday. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Youth, Aging, and Maturity Theme Icon
Chapter 2 Quotes

“Mister Monday,” said Victoria Forester with disdain, “is five and forty years of age if he is a day.” She made a face to indicate just how old five-and-forty is, when you happen to be seventeen.

“Anyway,” said Cecilia Hempstock, Louisa’s cousin, “he has already been married. I would not wish to marry someone who had already been married. It would be,” she opined, “like having someone else break in one’s own pony.”

“Personally, I would imagine that to be the sole advantage of marrying a widower,” said Amelia Robinson. “That someone else would have removed the rough edges; broken him in, if you will. Also, I would imagine that by that age his lusts would long since have been sated, and abated, which would free one from a number of indignities.”

Related Characters: Victoria Forester (speaker), Louisa Thorn (speaker), Mr. Monday
Page Number: 39
Explanation and Analysis:

“For a kiss, and the pledge of your hand,” said Tristran, grandiloquently, “I would bring you that fallen star.”

He shivered. His coat was thin, and it was obvious he would not get his kiss, which he found puzzling. The manly heroes of the penny dreadfuls and shilling novels never had these problems getting kissed.

Related Characters: Tristran Thorn (speaker), The Star/Yvaine, Victoria Forester, Mr. Monday
Page Number: 47
Explanation and Analysis:

He thought of Victoria’s lips, and her grey eyes, and the sound of her laughter. He straightened his shoulders, placed the crystal snowdrop in the top buttonhole of his coat, now undone. And, too ignorant to be scared, too young to be awed, Tristran Thorn passed beyond the fields we know...

...and into Faerie.

Related Characters: Tristran Thorn, The Star/Yvaine, Victoria Forester, Dunstan Thorn, Mr. Monday
Page Number: 54
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10 Quotes

“You said you would give me whatever I desire.”


“Then...” He paused. “Then I desire that you should marry Mister Monday. I desire that you should be married as soon as possible—why, within this very week, if such a thing can be arranged. And I desire that you should be as happy together as ever a man and woman have ever been.”

She exhaled in one low shuddering breath of release. Then she looked at him. “Do you mean it?” she asked.

“Marry him with my blessing, and we’ll be quits and done,” said Tristran. “And the star will probably think so, too.”

Related Characters: Tristran Thorn (speaker), Victoria Forester (speaker), The Star/Yvaine, Mr. Monday
Page Number: 226
Explanation and Analysis:

“What have you done?” Spittle flecked the old woman’s lips.

“I have done nothing; nothing I did not do eighteen years ago. I was bound to you to be your slave until the day that the moon lost her daughter, if it occurred in a week when two Mondays came together. And my time with you is almost done.”

Related Characters: The Old Woman/Madame Semele (speaker), The Young Woman/the Bird/Lady Una (speaker), Tristran Thorn, The Star/Yvaine, Victoria Forester, Dunstan Thorn, Mr. Monday
Related Symbols: Silver Chains/the Power of Stormhold
Page Number: 229
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mr. Monday Quotes in Stardust

The Stardust quotes below are all either spoken by Mr. Monday or refer to Mr. Monday. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Youth, Aging, and Maturity Theme Icon
Chapter 2 Quotes

“Mister Monday,” said Victoria Forester with disdain, “is five and forty years of age if he is a day.” She made a face to indicate just how old five-and-forty is, when you happen to be seventeen.

“Anyway,” said Cecilia Hempstock, Louisa’s cousin, “he has already been married. I would not wish to marry someone who had already been married. It would be,” she opined, “like having someone else break in one’s own pony.”

“Personally, I would imagine that to be the sole advantage of marrying a widower,” said Amelia Robinson. “That someone else would have removed the rough edges; broken him in, if you will. Also, I would imagine that by that age his lusts would long since have been sated, and abated, which would free one from a number of indignities.”

Related Characters: Victoria Forester (speaker), Louisa Thorn (speaker), Mr. Monday
Page Number: 39
Explanation and Analysis:

“For a kiss, and the pledge of your hand,” said Tristran, grandiloquently, “I would bring you that fallen star.”

He shivered. His coat was thin, and it was obvious he would not get his kiss, which he found puzzling. The manly heroes of the penny dreadfuls and shilling novels never had these problems getting kissed.

Related Characters: Tristran Thorn (speaker), The Star/Yvaine, Victoria Forester, Mr. Monday
Page Number: 47
Explanation and Analysis:

He thought of Victoria’s lips, and her grey eyes, and the sound of her laughter. He straightened his shoulders, placed the crystal snowdrop in the top buttonhole of his coat, now undone. And, too ignorant to be scared, too young to be awed, Tristran Thorn passed beyond the fields we know...

...and into Faerie.

Related Characters: Tristran Thorn, The Star/Yvaine, Victoria Forester, Dunstan Thorn, Mr. Monday
Page Number: 54
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10 Quotes

“You said you would give me whatever I desire.”


“Then...” He paused. “Then I desire that you should marry Mister Monday. I desire that you should be married as soon as possible—why, within this very week, if such a thing can be arranged. And I desire that you should be as happy together as ever a man and woman have ever been.”

She exhaled in one low shuddering breath of release. Then she looked at him. “Do you mean it?” she asked.

“Marry him with my blessing, and we’ll be quits and done,” said Tristran. “And the star will probably think so, too.”

Related Characters: Tristran Thorn (speaker), Victoria Forester (speaker), The Star/Yvaine, Mr. Monday
Page Number: 226
Explanation and Analysis:

“What have you done?” Spittle flecked the old woman’s lips.

“I have done nothing; nothing I did not do eighteen years ago. I was bound to you to be your slave until the day that the moon lost her daughter, if it occurred in a week when two Mondays came together. And my time with you is almost done.”

Related Characters: The Old Woman/Madame Semele (speaker), The Young Woman/the Bird/Lady Una (speaker), Tristran Thorn, The Star/Yvaine, Victoria Forester, Dunstan Thorn, Mr. Monday
Related Symbols: Silver Chains/the Power of Stormhold
Page Number: 229
Explanation and Analysis: