David Copperfield

David Copperfield


Charles Dickens

Miss Julia Mills Character Analysis

A friend of Dora's, with whom Dora is living when David and Dora first secretly get engaged. When David first meets Miss Mills, she is kind but has "retired" from life after having suffered a heartbreak, and she speaks often of the miseries of love. Later, her father takes her with him to India. When she returns to England near the end of the book, she has married a rich man and speaks mostly about money and no longer about love.
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Miss Julia Mills Character Timeline in David Copperfield

The timeline below shows where the character Miss Julia Mills appears in David Copperfield. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 33: Blissful
Coming of Age and Personal Development Theme Icon
Memory and Nostalgia Theme Icon
...Mr. Spenlow's, he finds Dora sitting in the garden with Jip and a friend named Miss Julia Mills . David presents Dora with a bouquet of flowers but is too flustered to compliment... (full context)
Coming of Age and Personal Development Theme Icon
Memory and Nostalgia Theme Icon
Mr. Spenlow appears, and he, Dora, and Miss Mills take a carriage to their destination, with David riding alongside. David is in such a... (full context)
Coming of Age and Personal Development Theme Icon
Memory and Nostalgia Theme Icon
Miss Mills says that both Dora and David seem depressed, and advises them not to "allow a... (full context)
Coming of Age and Personal Development Theme Icon
Memory and Nostalgia Theme Icon
Womanhood and Gender Roles Theme Icon
Someone back at the picnic eventually calls out for Dora, so she, David, and Miss Mills return. Dora plays on her guitar and sings, and David continues to be deliriously happy.... (full context)
Coming of Age and Personal Development Theme Icon
Womanhood and Gender Roles Theme Icon
...torturing himself with thoughts that she does not return his feelings. Finally, he goes to Miss Mills ' house where he finds Dora painting the bouquet of flowers he had given her.... (full context)
Memory and Nostalgia Theme Icon
Dora goes and fetches Miss Mills , who wishes her and David well. David then measures Dora's finger and goes to... (full context)
Coming of Age and Personal Development Theme Icon
Memory and Nostalgia Theme Icon
...their engagement, he and Dora quarrel and she returns his ring, plunging David into despair. Miss Mills urges them to make up, however, and they end up as "blest" as ever. Looking... (full context)
Chapter 37: A Little Cold Water
Coming of Age and Personal Development Theme Icon
Womanhood and Gender Roles Theme Icon
Home and Family Theme Icon
...situation to Dora herself, however, although he is scheduled to have tea with her and Miss Mills the coming Saturday. Meanwhile, Mr. Dick has settled in well to his new job, and... (full context)
Coming of Age and Personal Development Theme Icon
Womanhood and Gender Roles Theme Icon
That evening, David goes to Miss Mills ' and immediately asks Dora whether she "could love a beggar." When she realizes David... (full context)
Womanhood and Gender Roles Theme Icon
Home and Family Theme Icon
...bit about account-keeping and cooking. This is too much for Dora, who cries out for Miss Mills and begs David to go away. Overcome with remorse, he begs for Dora's forgiveness, denounces... (full context)
Ambition, Social Mobility, and Morality Theme Icon
Womanhood and Gender Roles Theme Icon
At this point, Miss Mills enters and asks what has happened. Dora says that David is a "poor laborer" and... (full context)
Coming of Age and Personal Development Theme Icon
Ambition, Social Mobility, and Morality Theme Icon
Womanhood and Gender Roles Theme Icon
Dora reappears, and is so pretty and charming that David begins to feel that Miss Mills is right. They all have tea together, and Dora plays her guitar and sings. Unfortunately,... (full context)
Chapter 38: A Dissolution of Partnership
Womanhood and Gender Roles Theme Icon
...if David persists. This does not comfort David much, and he writes a letter to Miss Mills asking to see her. (full context)
Coming of Age and Personal Development Theme Icon
Memory and Nostalgia Theme Icon
Miss Mills agrees to see David and makes a show of sneaking him into the back kitchen... (full context)
Home and Family Theme Icon
That evening, David learns from a servant that Miss Mills is currently with Dora and writes to her, asking her to communicate his condolences to... (full context)
Home and Family Theme Icon
Meanwhile, David relies on Miss Mills for news of Dora, but Dora can only bring herself to call out for Mr.... (full context)
Chapter 41: Dora's Aunts
Coming of Age and Personal Development Theme Icon
...be bringing his friend Traddles with him. He finds himself wishing he could consult with Miss Mills , but her father, who is a merchant trader, has taken her with him to... (full context)
Chapter 48: Domestic
Ambition, Social Mobility, and Morality Theme Icon
Womanhood and Gender Roles Theme Icon
Home and Family Theme Icon
...is inconsolable, and asks why he doesn't send her back to her aunts or to Miss Mills . (full context)
Chapter 64: A Last Retrospect
Ambition, Social Mobility, and Morality Theme Icon
Miss Mills eventually returns from India married to a very wealthy man. She has several servants and... (full context)