Long Walk to Freedom

Long Walk to Freedom


Nelson Mandela

Long Walk to Freedom: Chapter 19 Summary & Analysis

Because Mandela can’t attend the ANC conference, another member of the executive reads the speech he had prepared, which becomes known as “The No Easy Walk to Freedom” speech after a line from Jawaharlal Nehru. Mandela’s opponents try to get his attorney accreditation removed due to his political activities, but he manages to win his case. Luckily, he gets a judge who believes in judicial independence, rather than just working for the Nationalists.
Jawaharlal Nehru was a prominent anti-colonial leader in India who went on to become the country’s first prime minister. As a man who is now considered one of the founders of modern India, it’s clear why he would be an inspiration to Mandela, who one day hopes to remake South Africa using tactics based on those used by the anti-colonial movement in India.
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