Long Walk to Freedom

Long Walk to Freedom


Nelson Mandela

Long Walk to Freedom: Chapter 39 Summary & Analysis

On March 29, 1961, the date of the verdict of the treason trial, the courthouse is crowded. The judge declares that the prosecution has failed to prove that ANC is a Communist organization, and people cheer. Mandela is allowed to go free, but he knows that he has only made the state angrier with him. Still, he commends the judges for overcoming their prejudices and seeing his case fairly.
Although Mandela’s troubles with the government are far from over, this small early victory is a sign that it is possible for Mandela to win over even people who hold very different beliefs from him. In spite of all of Mandela’s criticisms of the South African justice system, he maintains an optimistic belief that in the long run, justice will prevail.
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