Long Walk to Freedom

Long Walk to Freedom


Nelson Mandela

Long Walk to Freedom: Chapter 76 Summary & Analysis

Robben Island becomes known as the University due to how much the prisoners there study. During downtime at the quarry, Sisulu teaches a course he’s invented about the history of the ANC. Mandela also busies himself with legal work for African people who can’t afford a lawyer (since South African law doesn’t guarantee one). Mandela only obtains some victories, and often he never meets the people he helps, but it still helps to give him a sense of purpose.
The lack of a guaranteed lawyer for accused people is yet another sign of the crookedness of the South African justice system during this time period. As is typical for Mandela, he doesn’t succeed in everything he attempts, but the few legal victories that he does score for clients help him to make incremental progress despite his imprisonment.
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