Long Walk to Freedom

Long Walk to Freedom


Nelson Mandela

Long Walk to Freedom: Chapter 79 Summary & Analysis

In 1976, Jimmy Kruger, the minister of prisons, comes to visit Mandela. He still believes that Mandela and ANC are violent Communists, so Mandela tries to explain to him ANC’s slow process toward incorporating violence. Mandela tries to negotiate the release of some prisoners, but Kruger doesn’t want to hear it. Instead, his offer is for Mandela alone to move to Transkei and recognize the legitimacy of its bantustan government in exchange for a lighter sentence. Mandela refuses.
Jimmy Kruger’s views differ strongly from Mandela’s, but Mandela still takes the time to try to set things straight with him. While Mandela values cooperation, he realizes that what Kruger really wants is for Mandela to legitimize the government’s unjust practices, and so Mandela refuses the offer.
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