Long Walk to Freedom

Long Walk to Freedom


Nelson Mandela

Oliver Tambo Character Analysis

Oliver Tambo is a lawyer who starts a new firm with Mandela and eventually goes on to become one of his biggest allies in the anti-apartheid struggle, becoming president of the ANC after Luthuli. Although Tambo is a staunch and respected activist, he causes some controversy within the ANC later in his life due to his willingness to negotiate with South Africa’s white supremacist government. Ultimately, however, he helps to build the foundation for a democratic South Africa. He dies of a stroke just before Mandela gets elected president in the nation’s first free election.
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Oliver Tambo Character Timeline in Long Walk to Freedom

The timeline below shows where the character Oliver Tambo appears in Long Walk to Freedom. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 16
Negotiation, Democracy, and Progress Theme Icon
...In August of 1952, Mandela opens his own law office with fellow African lawyer Oliver Tambo, the first firm owned by African lawyers in the country. Among other things, they help... (full context)
Chapter 25
Negotiation, Democracy, and Progress Theme Icon
...suddenly in September, the state drops charges against several of the defendants, including Luthuli and Tambo, although not Mandela. Thirteen months after the start of the trial, the magistrate announces that... (full context)
Chapter 28
Racism and Division Theme Icon
...her job. Many women go to protest at the Central Pass Office, and Mandela and Tambo’s law firm gets involved with defending those arrested. Winnie is among those arrested, but she... (full context)
Chapter 90
Negotiation, Democracy, and Progress Theme Icon
Nonviolent Protest vs. Violent Protest Theme Icon
...Mandela is happy to talk to them, he says that they should also speak to Tambo, who is currently the real leader of the ANC. Meanwhile, Tambo has been leading people... (full context)
Chapter 92
Negotiation, Democracy, and Progress Theme Icon
...colleagues in prison, including Sisulu, as well as trying to send a message out to Tambo. Tambo seems concerned that Mandela may have lost his way, but Mandela is determined to... (full context)
Chapter 107
Racism and Division Theme Icon
Negotiation, Democracy, and Progress Theme Icon
Nonviolent Protest vs. Violent Protest Theme Icon
In December of 1990, Tambo finally returns from exile abroad to South Africa. He gives a controversial speech about how... (full context)
Chapter 109
Negotiation, Democracy, and Progress Theme Icon
On April 12, 1992, with Sisulu and Tambo by his side, Mandela announces that he’s separating from Winnie. He says the divorce is... (full context)
Chapter 111
Racism and Division Theme Icon
Negotiation, Democracy, and Progress Theme Icon
Nonviolent Protest vs. Violent Protest Theme Icon
...resist starting a civil war, as white supremacists want. Mandela experiences another great loss as Tambo, who has been ill for a while, passes away from a stroke. Mandela often thought... (full context)