Black Beauty


Anna Sewell

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Black Beauty: Flashbacks 1 key example

Explanation and Analysis—Training Montages:

Rather than simply presenting a linear recounting of the narrator’s life, Sewell uses a series of flashbacks to illustrate moments from Black Beauty’s past. These flashbacks do more than paint a vivid image of Beauty's youth, however. They also highlight the teachings and events that play a pivotal role in his growth and development.

An important flashback occurs early in the novel when Beauty reminisces about his days in the serene meadows of Farmer Grey's estate. It is implied that the narrator is telling the story from the distant future. Given this, the clarity with which these memories are depicted speaks to their importance. These flashbacks, particularly those that include his wise mother, Duchess, are formative. It is in these flashbacks that the reader learns of the essential principles and warnings Duchess imparts, such as "There is no religion without love [...] if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham." This maternal advice reverberates throughout Beauty's experiences, acting as his moral compass in a cruel world.

Sewell's flashbacks are also essential narrative devices that offer stinging critiques of the era's treatment of animals. In one of the memories that takes the reader out of the story’s regular chronology, Beauty recalls a conversation with Ginger about the "bearing rein.” This was a contraption employing sharp metal pieces inserted in the animals’ mouths. It caused horses immense discomfort by making them carry their heads high: this was considered fashionable. This memory gains significance when, in a later chapter, Beauty experiences the agony of the bearing rein himself. Having seen Ginger bear it, he uses his memories of her strength to make himself able to bear it.

Ginger's own painful past, particularly her harrowing experiences with brutish owners, is revealed through Beauty's memories of their conversations. These interlaced recollections serve as a poignant testament to the deep bonds formed amidst hardship. They underscore the novel's central themes of compassion, resilience, and the enduring spirit of friendship.

In summary, the flashbacks essentially do two things. On one hand, they provide the reader with insights into Black Beauty's formative experiences. These memories serve as a window into his past, enabling readers to piece together the series of events leading up to his present circumstances. On the other hand, the consistent flashback to Black Beauty's youth plays a pivotal role in making him seem nuanced and capable of human-like emotion. By having Black Beauty reminisce, Sewell shows he has a consciousness and a capacity for memory, emphasizing the depth of his emotions and experiences. Through this narrative strategy, the novel underscores the argument that animals, much like humans, are sentient beings with a rich tapestry of memories and emotions.