

Edward W. Said

Karl Marx Character Analysis

Karl Marx was German philosopher and political theorist of the 19th century. Although his intellectual and philosophical work, focused mainly on class conflict, lie outside the purview of Orientalism, his writings about the fate of Indian people under the British colonial government nevertheless help Said illustrate how pervasive Orientalist discourse—particularly its dehumanizing of Oriental subjects—had become by the mid-19th century.
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Karl Marx Character Timeline in Orientalism

The timeline below shows where the character Karl Marx appears in Orientalism. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2, Part 3
Belief, Consensus, and Reality Theme Icon
Even studies that are far more sensitive to colonial exploitation, such as Karl Marx’s analyses of the British Raj in India (written in the 1850s) cannot escape the idea... (full context)
Knowledge and Power Theme Icon
Belief, Consensus, and Reality Theme Icon
Like other thinkers of his era, Marx tends to conceive of people in groups, a tendency that necessarily simplifies and reduces the... (full context)