The Silmarillion


J.R.R. Tolkien

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The Silmarillion Characters


Ilúvatar is the benevolent creator of the universe. Both omniscient and omnipotent, Ilúvatar uses an aspect of his power called the Flame Imperishable to create life and bestow free will. He creates spirits called the… read analysis of Ilúvatar


Melkor, later called Morgoth by the elves, is the greatest of the Ainur created by Ilúvatar and the central antagonist of The Silmarillion. His own pride leads him to rebel during the Music of… read analysis of Melkor/Morgoth


Fëanor is the eldest son of the elf king Finwë and the creator of the Silmarils. While extremely clever and a skilled craftsman, Fëanor is also arrogant, selfish, and volatile. Influenced by Melkorread analysis of Fëanor


Sauron is a Maia who was seduced to Melkor’s side and serves as Melkor’s lieutenant during the Wars of Beleriand. Cruel and clever but cowardly, Sauron rarely fights physical battles personally, preferring to use… read analysis of Sauron


Lúthien is the daughter of Thingol and Melian who falls in love with the mortal man Beren. Despite her father’s disapproval, she escapes captivity enforced by both Thingol and Celegorm, insistent on helping… read analysis of Lúthien
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Beren, the son of Barahir, is the man foretold by Melian whose fate will allow him to break through her enchantments around Doriath. He falls in love with the elf Lúthien, and her… read analysis of Beren

Túrin Turambar

Túrin, a man and the son of Húrin, is the primary victim of Melkor’s curse of misfortune and sorrow. He’s personally endangered by the curse, but also brings misfortune to those around him… read analysis of Túrin Turambar


Nienor is the daughter of Húrin and Morwen and one of the victims of Melkor’s curse of sorrow on Húrin’s family. While searching for her brother Túrin, Nienor falls under the dragon Glaurung’s… read analysis of Nienor/Níniel


Húrin is a man and the leader of the house of Hador. He fights in the fifth battle of the Wars of Beleriand and volunteers to defend the retreat of Turgon’s forces as… read analysis of Húrin


The husband of Varda and the King of the Valar, Manwë has power over wind and air. The giant eagles are his messengers and servants. Righteous and compassionate, he is the Vala who best understands… read analysis of Manwë


Eärendil the mariner is the half-elven son of Tuor and Idril and the savior of Middle-earth in the First Age. Raised in Gondolin, he flees with his parents to the Havens of Sirion, where he… read analysis of Eärendil


Elwing bears a Silmaril after the sons of Fëanor sack Menegroth and kill her father Dior. She escapes the Third Kinslaying in the form of a bird and travels to Valinor with her husband… read analysis of Elwing

Finrod Felagund

Finrod, the eldest son of Finarfin, is a Noldor elf and the king of Nargothrond. Though Finrod follows Fëanor to Middle-earth and is caught in the Doom of the Noldor, he and his people… read analysis of Finrod Felagund


Isildur, the bold and tenacious son of Elendil, is one of the Elf-friends during Ar-Pharazôn’s rule of Númenor. When Sauron convinces Ar-Pharazôn to cut down the sacred White Tree of Númenor, Isildur sneaks… read analysis of Isildur


Elwë is one of the elf ambassadors to Valinor and one of the kings of the Teleri elves. After marrying the Maia Melian, he becomes known as Thingol, and the two of them rule… read analysis of Elwë/Thingol


Melian is a Maia and the servant of Vána and Estë. After the elves awaken in Middle-earth, Melian meets her husband, the elf Thingol, and they build an elven kingdom called Doriath. When… read analysis of Melian


The eldest son of Fëanor, Maedhros joins his father and brothers in swearing an oath to fight anyone who withholds one of the Silmarils. He’s the only one of his brothers who refuses… read analysis of Maedhros


The son of Aredhel and Eöl, Maeglin grows up with an interest in his mother’s family, the Noldor elves. Eöl keeps Aredhel and Maeglin in the forest, but the two of them flee to… read analysis of Maeglin


Turgon is the son of Fingolfin and the ruler of the elven city Gondolin. The Vala Ulmo inspires him to secretly build Gondolin in the mountains and hide his people from Melkor. Though Turgon… read analysis of Turgon


Tuor, a man and the son of Huor, is chosen by Ulmo to be his messenger and led to the coast, where he falls in love with the sea. Though Tuor delivers Ulmo’s warning… read analysis of Tuor


Idril is Turgon’s daughter who crosses the Helcaraxë with Fingolfin’s Noldor and later lives in Gondolin. Maeglin wants to marry her to inherit Gondolin, but she mistrusts him and instead marries Tuorread analysis of Idril


Ar-Pharazôn is the last king of Númenor. He takes power from the rightful queen, his cousin Tar-Míriel, by marrying her unlawfully. Prideful and power-hungry, Ar-Pharazôn decides to become king of all men and force… read analysis of Ar-Pharazôn


Elendil is the son of Amandil and the leader of the Elf-friends. Righteous and thoughtful, he escapes the fall of Númenor with his followers and founds the kingdom of Arnor in Middle-earth. When Sauron takes… read analysis of Elendil


Ungoliant is a creature with unknown origins in the shape of a giant spider. Though she was once a servant of Melkor, she left him to live alone in Avathar. With the power to… read analysis of Ungoliant


Glaurung, one of the first dragons, serves Melkor and bolsters the strength of his orc armies. He leads the orc attack against Nargothrond and meets Túrin, the son of Húrin, whose family Melkor… read analysis of Glaurung


Maglor is a famous singer and the second son of Fëanor. Though he later regrets it, he participates in the killing of the Teleri at Alqualondë and swears the Oath of Fëanor. He joins… read analysis of Maglor


Fingolfin is the second son of Finwë and the half-brother of Fëanor. Though he publicly quarrels with Fëanor, he later follows him to Middle-earth. Calm and steadfast, Fingolfin leads his group of Noldor elves… read analysis of Fingolfin


Celegorm is the third son of Fëanor and a friend of Oromë and the hound Huan. Bound by his father’s oath to reclaim the Silmarils, he leads an attack against the orcs harassing… read analysis of Celegorm


Caranthir is the fourth son of Fëanor. Violent and quick to anger, he hates the children of Finarfin, and his outburst against Angrod contributes to the division between the Noldor. In East Beleriand… read analysis of Caranthir


Curufin is the crafty son of Fëanor and the father of Celebrimbor. He disheartens the elves of Nargothrond while living there with his brother Celegorm, leading them to avoid open war until the… read analysis of Curufin


Ulmo is the Vala who controls Arda’s water and oceans. Rather than living in Valinor with the other Valar, he prefers to dwell in the oceans where he can watch over Middle-earth and advise… read analysis of Ulmo


Stubborn and independent, Aredhel leaves Gondolin to search for her old friends, the sons of Fëanor. In her wanderings, she gets caught in Eöl’s spell and later marries him. He forbids her from… read analysis of Aredhel


Eöl is a Dark elf who lives in the forest of Nan Elmoth where he traps Aredhel and later marries her. He follows Aredhel and their son Maeglin when they flee to Gondolin and accidentally… read analysis of Eöl


The elf Fingon is the eldest son of Fingolfin and becomes High King of the Noldor after his death. After the Noldor elves travel to Middle-earth, Fingon seeks to end the Noldor’s internal feud (caused… read analysis of Fingon


Finwë is one of first elf ambassadors to Valinor and becomes the first king of the Noldor. When his eldest son Fëanor is banished from Tirion for twelve years by the Valar for threatening Fëanor’s… read analysis of Finwë


Olórin is a Maia and a student of Nienna, learning pity, patience, and generosity from her. He travels to Middle-earth in the third age as a wizard and takes the names Gandalf and Mithrandir… read analysis of Gandalf/Mithrandir/Olórin


Galadriel is the wife of Celeborn and the only daughter of Finarfin. Though she doesn’t care about the Silmarils, she follows Fëanor to Middle-earth to rule her own land. After learning magic and… read analysis of Galadriel


Thorondor is the Lord of Manwe’s giant eagles. He watches over the Noldor, frequently interfering to remove elves from dangerous situations in Middle-earth. He and his eagles rescue Fingon, Maedhros, Berenread analysis of Thorondor


Huan the hound is one of Oromë’s hunting dogs, gifted to Celegorm, but abandons Celegorm’s service to aid Beren and Lúthien in the quest for the Silmaril. He has the ability to… read analysis of Huan


Finarfin is the youngest and wisest son of Finwë. He initially follows Fëanor towards Middle-earth for the sake of his children, who want to accompany Fëanor and their cousins, but he turns back after… read analysis of Finarfin


Beleg is one of the wardens of the elf kingdom Doriath and becomes friends with Túrin, Thingol’s young human ward. The two defend Doriath together until Túrin causes the death of an elf… read analysis of Beleg


Mablung is one of the wardens of Doriath. After Saeros’s death, he counsels Túrin to return to Doriath to ask Thingol’s pardon, but Túrin refuses. Later, Mablung witnesses Morwen’s disappearance and Nienorread analysis of Mablung


Anárion, his father Elendil, and his brother Isildur remain loyal to the Valar and friendly with the elves despite Númenor’s corruption. After the Elf-friends escape the destruction of Númenor, Anárion and Isildur establish and… read analysis of Anárion


Called “Half-Elven,” Elrond is the son of Eärendil and Elwing and chooses the fate of the elves. He fights alongside Gil-galad in the War of the Last Alliance and later founds Rivendell, which he protects… read analysis of Elrond


Gil-galad, the son of Fingon, is sent to live with Círdan on the sea during the Wars of Beleriand and becomes the last High King of the Noldor after Turgon’s death. He remains… read analysis of Gil-galad


Círdan is a shipbuilder and a Teleri elf who remains behind in Middle-earth during the journey to Valinor and becomes the lord of the elves in Falas. Later, he escapes Melkor’s attacks by ship… read analysis of Círdan


Amandil is an Elf-friend and the lord of Andúnië in Númenor. He counsels Ar-Pharazôn to trust the elves and follow the Valar until Sauron convinces Ar-Pharazôn to dismiss him. When he hears about Ar-Pharazôn’s plan… read analysis of Amandil


Gwindor is a noble elf from Nargothrond who leads the first charge in the fifth battle of the Wars of Beleriand when his brother Gelmir is brutally executed. His company is ambushed, and he’s held… read analysis of Gwindor


The daughter of the elf Orodreth, Finduilas falls in love with Túrin when he arrives in Nargothrond. Though, by rescuing her when Nargothrond is sacked, Túrin could have avoided his fate of accidentally marrying… read analysis of Finduilas


Morwen, originally from the house of Bëor, falls victim to Melkor’s curse of misfortune on her husband Húrin and their children Túrin and Nienor. She stubbornly refuses to leave Dor-lómin even when… read analysis of Morwen


As the son of an Elf-friend, Tar-Palantir, the 24th king of Númenor, returns to the tradition of choosing a royal name in the elvish language Quenya. He attempts to repair the harm the past… read analysis of Tar-Palantir


Dior is the son of Beren and Lúthien. After Thingol is killed by the dwarves of Nogrod, Dior moves to Doriath to rule the Sindar, accompanied by his wife Nimloth and their children Elwingread analysis of Dior


Saruman is the first wizard to arrive in Middle-earth and the leader of the White Council. He studies the lore of the Rings of Power and eventually begins to want power for himself. While searching… read analysis of Saruman/Curunír


Haleth takes charge of the Haladin after her father Haldad is killed and keeps them alive for seven days during the orc siege until Caranthir comes to their aid. Caranthir offers her land and protection… read analysis of Haleth


Barahir is the brother of Bregolas and takes leadership of the House of Bëor after his death. During the fourth battle of the Wars of Beleriand, Barahir rescues Finrod, who gives Barahir his ring… read analysis of Barahir


Brandir is the lord of the house of Haleth when Túrin arrives in Brethil. He falls in love with Níniel and hears Glaurung’s final words about her identity as Túrin’s sister, but because he walks… read analysis of Brandir


Carcharoth is a werewolf raised personally by Melkor to guard Angband against Huan. When Beren and Lúthien leave Angband with the Silmaril, Carcharoth bites off Beren’s hand, swallowing the Silmaril, which burns him… read analysis of Carcharoth


Gelmir is an elf of Nargothrond and the brother of Gwindor. He’s captured and blinded by Melkor during the fourth battle of the Wars of Beleriand. Later, he’s taken from prison and brought onto… read analysis of Gelmir


Uinen is a Maia and a servant of Ulmo. She’s the only one who can calm Ossë’s raging waves and returns him to Ulmo’s service after Melkor corrupts him. When the Noldor elves… read analysis of Uinen


Mîm is a dwarf who lives at Amon Rûdh and takes in Túrin and his outlaws after they spare his life. He later betrays Túrin’s outlaws to a group of orcs with their assurance that… read analysis of Mîm


Amrod and his twin brother Amras are the youngest sons of Fëanor. He and Amras both swear the Oath of Fëanor and frequently shelter their brothers during the war against Melkor. They’re both… read analysis of Amrod


A Nandor elf living in Doriath, Saeros is jealous of the honor Túrin receives from Thingol. He insults Túrin at dinner, calling his people wild and animalistic. Túrin forces him to run naked through… read analysis of Saeros


Gorlim, one of Barahir’s outlaws, is captured as he returns to his house to look for his missing wife. When Sauron promises to reunite him with his wife, he reveals the location of Barahir’s… read analysis of Gorlim


Amlach is a man who argues at a council that men shouldn’t aid the elves in their war against Melkor. It’s later revealed that Amlach wasn’t at the council at all, and the person… read analysis of Amlach
Minor Characters
The leader of the first men to travel into Beleriand, Bëor becomes Finrod’s close companion. He settles his people in Estolad before following Finrod to Nargothrond, where he lives as Finrod’s vassal until his death. His people become known as the House of Bëor.
Varda is the Queen of the Valar and the creator of the stars. She’s married to Manwë and revered by the elves. Melkor fears and hates her more than any of the other Valar since she controls light, which he’s unable to manipulate.
Aulë is the Vala responsible for rock, stone, and the other substances that compose Arda. Married to Yavanna, he’s the world’s first craftsman and the creator of the dwarves.
Known as the Giver of Fruits, Yavanna is the Vala responsible for creating and tending the plants and growing things of Arda. She creates the Two Trees of Valinor and is married to Aulë.
Married to Vairë, Mandos rules the Houses of the Dead and pronounces Ilúvatar’s judgement in matters of fate. He announces the Doom of the Noldor as they depart Valinor for Middle-earth. He’s moved to pity only once, when Lúthien sings to him, and he returns her lover Beren.
Married to Vána, Oromë is the Vala responsible for the hunt. He loves Middle-earth and hunts Melkor’s monsters there during the Years of the Trees. He is the Vala that discovers the elves and later leads them to Valinor.
Tulkas the Valiant is physically the strongest Vala and descends to Arda to fight Melkor. Married to Nessa, he enjoys contests of strength and remains one of Melkor’s most outspoken opponents in the First Age.
Irmo is the Vala who creates dreams and visions. He’s the husband of Estë and the brother of Mandos and Nienna.
Known as the Weaver, Vairë is the Vala who weaves the story of Arda that hangs in the halls of her husband Mandos.
Nienna is the Vala responsible for grief, pity, and hope. She mourns for the suffering of Arda that Melkor causes and often visits the Houses of the Dead to comfort the spirits there.
Nessa is the Vala known for her swiftness and her affinity for deer. She marries Tulkas in the Spring of Arda and dances for the Valar just before Melkor’s attack on Almaren.
The wife of Irmo, Estë is a gentle and grey-robed Vala. She is a healer of pain and weariness and provides rest for the people of Valinor.
Married to Oromë, Vána is the Vala with power over youth. Flowers grow and birds sing wherever she goes.
Eönwë is the herald of Manwë and one of the Chiefs of the Maiar. He greets Eärendil when he arrives in Valinor and guards the Silmarils after Melkor’s defeat during the Wars of Beleriand.
Ossë and his wife Uinen are the Maiar that are best known to elves and men. As a servant of Ulmo, he teaches music, lore, and ship-building to the elves.
Elros is the Half-elven son of Eärendil and Elwing, fostered by Maglor. Unlike his brother Elrond, who chooses the immortality of the elves, Elros chooses to be mortal and becomes the first king of Númenor. He builds cities and rules for over 400 years.
The estranged son of Curufin, Celebrimbor is a skilled jewel-smith who creates several lesser Rings of Power under Sauron’s instruction and the three elven Rings of Power alone. He’s killed in Eregion during the conflict between Sauron and the elves after the creation of the One Ring.
Frodo is the Halfling who travels to Mordor with his servant during the War of the Ring and throws the One Ring into the fires of Mount Doom, destroying it and incapacitating Sauron.
Aragorn is the heir of Isildur who is very similar to Elendil. He carries Elendil’s reforged sword to battle against Sauron’s forces and becomes King of Gondor and Arnor.
Huor is the grandson of Hador and the younger brother of Húrin. He dies in the fifth battle of the Wars of Beleriand while covering Turgon’s retreat. He wife Rían gives birth to their son Tuor after his death.
Orodreth, one of Finarfin’s sons, becomes the King of Nargothrond after Finrod and exiles Celegorm and Curufin. He dies in battle when Glaurung conquers Nargothrond.
Tilion is a Maia and a hunter of Oromë who volunteers to guide the moon in its path across the sky. He fends off an attack from Melkor’s shadow spirits and faithfully follows Arien, who guides the sun, though his pace isn’t consistent.
Arien is the Maia who guides the sun across the sky. As a fire spirit, she can withstand the heat of Laurelin’s light and cared for the Tree before its destruction.
Glorfindel is one of the captains of Gondolin and the lord of a noble house. He fights a Balrog that attacks the survivors of Gondolin as they flee the city, and both he and the Balrog fall from the mountain to their deaths.
Amras is the twin brother of Amrod and the youngest son of Fëanor. Though not active in the war against Melkor, Amras is present at each of the kinslayings incited by his brothers. He dies during the Third Kinslaying while attacking the remnants of Doriath for Elwing’s Silmaril.
The son of Finarfin, Angrod is one of the few Noldor elves allowed into Doriath. His presence there leads Thingol to ban the use of Quenya, the elvish language, in Beleriand. He and his brother Aegnor are killed in the fourth battle of the Wars of Beleriand.
Aegnor is one of the sons of the Noldor elf Finarfin. He and his brother Angrod follow Fëanor and their friend Fingon to Middle-earth, and later both die in the fourth battle of the Wars of Beleriand.
As Tar-Palantir’s only child, Tar-Míriel should have become the queen of Númenor. However, her cousin Ar-Pharazôn marries her unwillingly and steals her throne. During Númenor’s destruction, Tar-Míriel is swept away by the wave as she attempts to reach the top of Ilúvatar’s Sacred Mountain.
Voronwë is an elf from Gondolin and a messenger on one of the ships sent by Turgon to seek aid from Valinor that never reaches its destination. The Vala Ulmo saves him from drowning so he can lead Tuor to Gondolin.
Adûnakhôr is the twentieth king of Númenor and the first king not to choose a royal name in Quenya. Instead, he chooses a name meaning “Lord of the West,” appropriating the title from Manwë.
Rían is the wife of Huor and the mother of Tuor. After Huor’s death in the fifth battle of the Wars of Beleriand, she leaves Tuor in the care of the elves of Mithrim and dies of grief on the mass grave from the battle.
Míriel is the first wife of Finwë and the mother of Fëanor. She loses all her strength during Fëanor’s birth and travels to Lórien to rest. Once there, her spirit leaves her body and goes to the Houses of the Dead.
Daeron is a Sindarin elf and Thingol’s minstrel in Doriath. He’s in love with Lúthien and betrays her meetings with Beren to Thingol out of jealousy. After her disappearance, Daeron wanders Middle-earth looking for her.
Hador is a descendant of Malach and a servant of Fingolfin, who gives him the fiefdom of Dor-lómin. He forms a noble house of men called the house of Hador and dies defending Fingolfin in the fourth battle of the Wars of Beleriand.
Nerdanel is a skilled sculptor and the wife of Fëanor. Though she’s as stubborn as her husband, she’s more patient than him and able to calm his temper. When Fëanor is banished from Tirion, they become estranged.
The Manhearted wife of Barahir and mother of Beren, Emeldir leads the women and children of the House of Bëor out of Dorthonion when it becomes overrun by orcs.
Halmir is the lord of the House of Haleth during the fourth battle of the Wars of Beleriand. When orcs invade Brethil, Thingol sends Beleg and a group of elves to help Halmir fight them.
Haldad, the father of Haleth, is part of a group of leaderless men called the Haladin. When orcs attack, he takes charge and builds a stockade. He’s killed leading an attack against the orcs.
Ulfang is a man and a servant of Melkor who joins Maedhros’s union to delay his army’s arrival at Angband. Later, when Maedhros’s army arrives at the battlefield, Ulfang’s men turn and attack it from the rear.
Though he’s the thirteenth king of Númenor, Tar-Atanamir is the first king of Númenor to cling to power and rule for life rather than passing the throne on to his son during his lifetime. His reign is the beginning of Númenor’s decline in virtue.
Dorlas is one of the woodmen of Brethil who witness Finduilas’s death. When Glaurung appears on the edge of the forest, Dorlas promises to help Túrin kill him, but runs into the woods in fear, where he’s murdered by Brandir after Níniel’s suicide.
Draugluin is the first werewolf and the servant of Sauron. He’s killed by Huan during Beren’s quest for the Silmaril, and Beren uses his pelt to sneak into Angband unnoticed.
Denethor, the son of Lenwë, leads the Nandor elves into Beleriand. He allies with Thingol to fight orcs and is killed during the first battle of the Wars of Beleriand.
Gothmog is the Lord of Balrogs and the captain of Angband. He mortally wounds Fëanor and kills Fingon during the Wars of Beleriand. He’s killed during the fall of Gondolin.
Galdor is the son of Hador and the father of Húrin and Huor. He’s killed during an orc invasion in Hithlum seven years before the fifth battle of the Wars of Beleriand.
With an affinity for plants and animals, Ragadast is the third wizard to arrive in Middle-earth as Sauron’s power grows in Dol Guldur.
Olwë is one of the two kings of the Teleri elves. He leads his people to Tol Eressëa and Valinor after the disappearance of his brother Elwë in Beleriand.
Lenwë leads a group of elves known as the Nandor who break off from the Teleri on the journey to Valinor and settle near the River Anduin.
Eärnur is the last king of Gondor before the Stewards rule in his name. A Ringwraith challenges him to single combat, then kidnaps him. He’s never seen again.
Meneldil is the son of Anárion and becomes the third king of Gondor after the War of the Last Alliance.
Valandil becomes the king of Arnor after the War of the Last Alliance when his three older brothers and his father Isildur are killed by orcs.
Gimilkhâd leads a group of men who oppose his elder brother King Tar-Palantir’s policies and adherence to ancient tradition in Númenor.
Boromir is the grandson of Bëor. The elves of Beleriand appoint him the leader of the House of Bëor and give him the land of Ladros to rule.
Ingwë is one of the three elf ambassadors who initially travel to Valinor. He’s the king of the Vanyar and the High King of the elves in Valinor.
Eluréd is one of the two sons of Dior. He and his brother Elruín are abandoned to die in the forest when the sons of Fëanor invade Doriath.
Elurín is one of the sons of Dior. When the sons of Fëanor invade Doriath, Celegorm’s servants leave him and his brother Eluréd in the forest to die.
Related to Brandir, Hunthor is one of the men of Brethil. He volunteers to help Túrin kill Glaurung and is killed in the attempt by a falling stone.
Indis is Finwë’s second wife and the mother of Fingolfin and Finarfin. Fëanor dislikes her and his half-brothers.
Nimloth is Dior’s wife and Celeborn’s relative. She’s killed when the sons of Fëanor attack Doriath to take Dior’s Silmaril.
Celeborn is a kinsman of Thingol who marries Galadriel. She stays in Doriath to be close to him rather than following Finrod to Nargothrond.
Malach is a man who serves Fingolfin and learns to speak Sindarin. He’s the ancestor of the House of Hador.
Bregolas is the lord of the House of Bëor, killed during the fourth battle of the Wars of Beleriand.
Thranduil is the elven King of Mirkwood. His people try to defend the forest as Sauron’s evil invades it.
Bereg is a man who vehemently argues against men aiding elves in the war against Melkor. He leads a thousand of Bëor’s people south out of Beleriand.
Rúmil is the Loremaster of the Noldor elves who invents writing.
One of the two Chiefs of the Maiar, Ilmarë is the handmaid of Varda.
Thuringwethil is the vampire messenger of Sauron. When Beren and Lúthien sneak into Angband, Lúthien disguises herself as Thuringwethil.
Ancalagon is the greatest of Melkor’s dragons. Eärendil kills him during the Great Battle and throws him down onto the towers of Thangorodrim, destroying them.