The Silmarillion


J.R.R. Tolkien

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Carcharoth Character Analysis

Carcharoth is a werewolf raised personally by Melkor to guard Angband against Huan. When Beren and Lúthien leave Angband with the Silmaril, Carcharoth bites off Beren’s hand, swallowing the Silmaril, which burns him and drives him mad with pain. He runs away, killing everything in his path, and eventually reaches Doriath, where he’s killed by Beren and Huan, though he mortally wounds both.
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Carcharoth Character Timeline in The Silmarillion

The timeline below shows where the character Carcharoth appears in The Silmarillion. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 19. Of Beren and Lúthien
Fate, Doom, and Free Will Theme Icon
Greed, Jealousy, and Obsession Theme Icon
...making him groan and stir. Beren and Lúthien flee, but their way is blocked by Carcharoth, the wolf Morgoth placed to guard the door against Huan. (full context)
Fate, Doom, and Free Will Theme Icon
Inevitable Loss Theme Icon
Beren holds up the Silmaril to ward him off as he charges them, but Carcharoth bites Beren’s hand off at the wrist, swallowing the Silmaril. Driven mad by the Silmaril,... (full context)
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Fate, Doom, and Free Will Theme Icon
Inevitable Loss Theme Icon
...together in the woods for a time, then return to Thingol. At the same time, Carcharoth rages through the Girdle of Melian into Doriath, and Thingol’s men prepare to fight him. (full context)
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Fate, Doom, and Free Will Theme Icon
Inevitable Loss Theme Icon
...right hand. Finally, Thingol realizes that he can’t oppose fate and allows their relationship. As Carcharoth approaches Thingol’s fortress, Beren realizes his quest isn’t over and joins the group that sets... (full context)
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Fate, Doom, and Free Will Theme Icon
Inevitable Loss Theme Icon
Beren attacks Carcharoth with a spear, but Carcharoth knocks him down and bites his chest. Huan jumps on... (full context)