The Silmarillion


J.R.R. Tolkien

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Huan the hound is one of Oromë’s hunting dogs, gifted to Celegorm, but abandons Celegorm’s service to aid Beren and Lúthien in the quest for the Silmaril. He has the ability to speak three times before his death; he speaks once to Lúthien when he frees her from Celegorm, once to both Beren and Lúthien to explain a plan for infiltrating Angband, and once to Beren alone, to say goodbye as he dies of his wounds after killing the werewolf Carcharoth.
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Huan Character Timeline in The Silmarillion

The timeline below shows where the character Huan appears in The Silmarillion. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 19. Of Beren and Lúthien
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Greed, Jealousy, and Obsession Theme Icon
Inevitable Loss Theme Icon
At the same time, Celegorm and Curufin are hunting with the chief of the wolfhounds, Huan, given to Celegorm by Oromë. Though Lúthien is nearly imperceptible in her cloak, Huan notices... (full context)
Fate, Doom, and Free Will Theme Icon
Pride and Arrogance Theme Icon
Greed, Jealousy, and Obsession Theme Icon
...of Melian and sends a wolf out to capture her to deliver her to Morgoth. Huan kills the first werewolf and defeats the werewolf Draugluin, whom Sauron sends out next. Sauron,... (full context)
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
...casts a spell to break the gates and the walls, freeing the captives. She and Huan find Beren mourning Finrod, whom they bury on a hill. Huan returns to Celegorm, and... (full context)
Pride and Arrogance Theme Icon
Greed, Jealousy, and Obsession Theme Icon
...shoves Curufin from the horse. Celegorm rides up to kill Beren with a spear, but Huan protects him, finally leaving Celegorm’s service. Lúthien prevents Beren from killing Curufin, who curses Beren... (full context)
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
...him, Beren sneaks away in the night to return to his task, leaving her in Huan’s care. When Beren has almost reached Angband, he sings the Song of Parting to say... (full context)
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Fate, Doom, and Free Will Theme Icon
Pride and Arrogance Theme Icon
Huan reveals to Beren that he can’t protect Lúthien anymore, since her love ties her life... (full context)
Fate, Doom, and Free Will Theme Icon
Greed, Jealousy, and Obsession Theme Icon
...their way is blocked by Carcharoth, the wolf Morgoth placed to guard the door against Huan. (full context)
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Fate, Doom, and Free Will Theme Icon
Inevitable Loss Theme Icon
Huan helps Lúthien heal Beren, who nearly dies from the poison in his wound. Doriath has... (full context)
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Fate, Doom, and Free Will Theme Icon
Inevitable Loss Theme Icon
Beren attacks Carcharoth with a spear, but Carcharoth knocks him down and bites his chest. Huan jumps on Carcharoth’s back and kills him but is mortally wounded in the effort. He... (full context)