The Silmarillion


J.R.R. Tolkien

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Haleth takes charge of the Haladin after her father Haldad is killed and keeps them alive for seven days during the orc siege until Caranthir comes to their aid. Caranthir offers her land and protection, but she refuses and leads the Haladin east to the Forest of Brethil. Her people become one of the primary houses of men, known as the House of Haleth.
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Haleth Character Timeline in The Silmarillion

The timeline below shows where the character Haleth appears in The Silmarillion. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 17. Of the Coming of Men into the West
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Pride and Arrogance Theme Icon
...a defense. Both he and his son are killed in the battle, so his daughter Haleth leads her people until Caranthir comes to their aid a week later. Caranthir finally realizes... (full context)
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Fate, Doom, and Free Will Theme Icon
Inevitable Loss Theme Icon
...the strongest, the house of Bëor is most like the Noldor, and the house of Haleth is largely solitary. Though the lives of the Edain are lengthened in Beleriand, Bëor dies... (full context)
Chapter 18. Of the Ruin of Beleriand and the Fall of Fingolfin
Unity vs. Division Theme Icon
Inevitable Loss Theme Icon
When the orcs finally invade the people of Haleth, Halmir their lord requests aid from Thingol, who sends Beleg Strongbow and his wardens to... (full context)